[hider=Chilling with the Pets] [h2][u][b][color=#B8860B]Mahal[/color][/b][/u][/h2] Time: Third Hour of Oraff to Eshiran. Some time after the Revolution aftermath. [hr]Mahal took a deep breath. She lowered her arms and braced herself against the sand, stretching her right leg out behind her. When the mental countdown ended, she took off running. Instinctively, she drew in the mana around her. Upon reaching the edge, she slowed for a slip second. Her feet kicked up and released the kinetic energy. It sent her flying as her limbs curled in, sending her cannon balling into the water. SPLASH! It surrounded her suddenly. The subtle pop of shifting pressure settled in her head. Mahal drifted there. Her legs and arms began to loosen until they floated beside her. She blinked. Water blurred her vision while she observed her surroundings. Nothing at first. Suddenly, a low swish darted past. Her arms jerked to the side, swinging her about. She caught the fleeting glimpse of something dark disappear deeper. Mahal smiled. She pushed her legs over her head and dove after it. Like a dream, the dark shape continued to stay just ahead of her. When she thought she could reach it, Mahal reached out to touch it. A sharp pain echoed in her chest. She stopped and clenched her chest. A few bubbles escaped her lips and floated upward. She cursed then shot up toward the surface. Air rushed into Mahal's lung when she reached it, the sting across her chest fading. She continued to drift in place. Before she began her swim to shore, something brushed her feet. Mahal squeaked as she slipped off. Bobbing back up, she witnessed a dark carapace surface. Apoy gave a low rumble that vibrated in the water. His hard shell lingered close allowing her arms to rest on him. She gently traced a jagged, yellow orange line down his craggy carapace side. It mimicked lava almost perfectly before it would fade into an ashy grey as he got older. [color=#B8860B]"Since you're eager to help. Apoy, shore."[/color] She commanded. The volcanic thresher just floated there. [color=#B8860B]"Apoy, shore!"[/color] Mahal repeated louder and gave his back a sharp tap. He still didn't go. She didn't understand. A moment passed before she realized the issue. With a soft sigh, she reached into her water tight pouch and pulled out a small fish. [color=#B8860B]"Apoy, shore."[/color] This time Mahal pushed off his form and lead him toward the beach. The volcanic thresher rumbled again and his legs began to move. She stepped up on shore before tossing him the fish. Apoy's large claw snapped up and seized it, retreating back into the habitat's depths. [color=#B8860B]"We'll work on that.."[/color] She had forgotten how food motivated he was until now. Speaking of treat addicts, her eyes shifted toward two forms bounding up to her. Puno promptly lowered to her belly. She let out a strong, attention seeking woof. Sand stuck to her rich grey and black pelt as she wagged her rounded tail eagerly. Mahal reached to pet her only to have her dart away and repeat it. Mahal shook her head, [color=#B8860B]"Puno, I'm too tired to chase you."[/color] Mahal lowered herself into a cross legged position while she reached into her bag. She pulled out a few seasoned wood chips and a jerky treat. Catching the sight of food, Puno went for it. [color=#B8860B]"No!"[/color] Mahal raised her arm to block the greedy pup. Puno whined in protest trying to climb up her. Before she could reach it , Supok trotted up. The runty firehound leaned in for a sloppy kiss and pushed the updog off. Puno growled a warning. She lowered her form and followed up with glottal barks from her throat. Supok jerked and twisted about. Mahal considered getting involved, but she stopped herself. They needed to resolve this before it became an issue. She watched the exchange until finally Supok rolled onto her side and went submissive. The brindle hound side eyed Mahal for help. [color=#B8860B]"Don't look at me like that. You shoved her first."[/color] Mahal then held out the jerky, telling them to sit and stay. Making them remain in place for a few seconds, she then let them have their treats. Supok and Puno settled in beside her while chewing them. Casually, she laid back into the sand of Apoy's enclosure. Her eyes shifted to the skies and watched the clouds drift by while she reflected on the past events. It was difficult to know how she should feel about it. What was a small spark of protest spiraled into a fire of destruction and hope for permanent change. A part of her doubted it was that easy. She found herself a part of the student body that dealt with the fall out from the conflict. Acid rain, fire, and more rain down on the city. Shortly after the chaos started to fade, she went looking for Lunara and they stumbled upon the staff. A large fight seemed to have broken out as they healed who they could and shortly was sucked into a strange place. Mahal's knuckled tightened, recalling the lack of senses and direction in that place. A small tremble broke across her flesh. She was weak in that moment. Frozen in place by panic, her lung struggling to contain air and her heart trying to break her ribs. If it wasn't for Diyablos and Puno, she might've been stuck there forever. Mahal closed her eyes against the thought as she took a deep, cleansing breath. Something thin and rubbery touched her hand. She opened her eyes and spotted Diyablo sitting there. Giving him a gentle smile, she pulled him onto her belly. It seemed he had been playing in the ruins of a small barrel. It was one of her failed toy attempts for Apoy. [color=#B8860B] "It is too bad that Ciro only sells to reputable buyers now. Ironwood would've been a better choice."[/color] Mahal said to her small octopus, referring to the rumors of students destroying the shop. Puno whined causing her to sigh and ruffle the dog's ears. It reminded her that she still had crates she needed to open. A part of her worried over the Rettandic ones. Again, Diyablo tugged at her attention. She glanced down at him. [color=#B8860B]"I saw you liked the barrel. I wonder why?"[/color] Diyablos just blinked and seemed to smile with his odd eyes. It felt like he prefer to keep his secrets then reveal them, making the girl chuckle. She let him idly play with her hands and fingers. Recently things, to some degree, started to become normal again. Sadly the scars of the conflict lingered underneath. Either the staff didn't do a good job or they wanted reminders of what happened here. It didn't matter in the end because Mahal had chosen to keep those memories. She thought about her tattoos. Not all scars were best forgotten. For now, she would enjoy the peace while it lasted. [/hider]