[hider=Magic, The elements, The Star and Wheel] Hecate is considered the Goddess who would discover and bind magic into a universal form, which other lesser gods not of the one faith also seem to inspire across various cultures. Though they are conveyed in different forms, the more widely accepted practice is through the pentacle. There are five elements to magic and the world itself. Fire, Water, Earth, Air, and Spirit. Everyone is born with a natural affinity towards one of these elements, though it should go with out saying that despite people having a natural affinity to one of these elements, few are capable of actually using magic by their own means. We'll get more into the types of humans that can magic later, as it revolved around the types of spells. While not universally true, most born affinities arise from what season they are born in. Spring is associated with the earth, Summer Fire, Autumn Wind, and Winter Water. Spirit meanwhile isn't tied to any season, but seem most common to occur under being born on the same day as some celestial event. Such as a full moon or even an eclipse. [hider=Sorcery] Sorcery refers to spells derived from any one element. Most fire spells can be assumed to just be fire sorcery for example. For humans, its actually more rare to practice basic sorceries as opposed to evocations or even invocations, since Sorcery requires a specific talent and trait all on its own. Human or not, those that practice sorcery are only able to use the element they are born with. Someone with a fire affinity can only perform sorceries through fire. A sort-of important note is that there are also 'compound elements'. These only exist within the context of sorcery, as they are not necessarily involved in other types of magic. Compound Sorceries refer to an element born from the merging of two compatible elements. So far these include Lightning (Fire and Air), Metal (Fire and Earth), Wood/Plant(Water and Earth), and Ice (Water and Air). Regarding Compound Sorceries, they can be a sorcerer's natural affinity instead of a normal one. For example a sorcerer with a fire affinity could have metal or lightning sorcery instead of fire. This trait is determined at their birth ofc with what element, compound or not, they are able to use. Spirit sorcery is naturally the most rare and powerful sorcery. It involves general manipulation of raw magic, which depending upon use, can be used to create walls or swords of magic, shoot raw magical blasts, or wrapping mana around objects for telekinetic or levitational purposes. [/hider] The 'Wheel' or Wheel-casting, refers to spells derived from three of the five elements, arranged in a triangle among a pentacle. There are two types of wheel-casting, invocations and evocations. Black and White magic respectively. Both compromise of Five schools of magic, with black magic being an inversion of white magic, for a total of 10 schools. There are two notes with wheel-casting. The first is that you must have an affinity with one of the involved wheels, or schools, of magic to learn and cast spells deriving from it. The second is that, with exception to witches, using dark magic prevents you from casting white magic. Humans are naturally unable to even use black magic without dark and ritualistic methods to gain such power, losing the rite to white magic in exchange. Spells can be both learned or invented. For wheelcasting, sometimes the affinity of the caster may influence how the spell appears. For example a simple cure wounds spell may appear as either a healing form of fire or water with a fire or water affinity in particular. Additionally, while spells have set functions, their actual power varies with how much mana is put into it. A weak caster for example, may only heal a small cut with cure wounds, or a tiny soccer-ball sized fireball for...fireball sorcery. Whereas a strong magic user like a witch could cure almost any physical injury and engulf an entire town-square in a fireball. For examples, I'll provide three dnd-spell equivalents for each school to give an idea of what kind of spells you can make in these categories. [img]https://i.imgur.com/od95dMZ.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/oyFviyg.png[/img] [hider=Evocations] [hider=Restoration] Water, Spirit, Fire Healing magic. Restoration generally includes the well, restoration of things. However this isn't exclusive to just treating injuries and undoing wounds, they can also mend broken objects, or treat mental anguish too. Cure wounds: Healing literal flesh and blood wounds. Mending: Fixing broken man-made objects. Therapy: Limited temporary treatment to mental trauma. Growth: Magically aids and grows plant-life. [/hider] [hider=Divination] Spirit, Air, Earth Refers to spells that divine knowledge and information. This varies widely, and more-often-then-not employ physical objects as part of the spell to properly function. Telepathy: Direct Mental communication or probing between minds. Clairvoyance: Revealing an image or view in a crystal ball or some other reflective surface like water or a mirror (depending on spell variations) to reveal a location. Variations of this spell can include seeing through the eye of an assigned creature like a familiar, or simply conjuring an 'invisible eye' to the desired location, person, or object to spy upon. Wheel or Woe: Using some form of medium, like a deck of tarot cards, to divine information about the past, present, or potential future in broad measures. Not always accurate when regarding to the future, as they only refer to potential outcomes or broad interpretations. [/hider] [hider=Abnegation] Water, Earth, Fire To put it simply, this category refers to anti-magic, or spells that directly counter and destroy other spells. The power needed for an Abnegation spell is compared between Mana, but generally it takes more Mana to resist Abnegation then for Abnegation to destroy a spell, thus for the most part Abnegations can reliably undo spells of equal power and lower albeit with some situational exceptions. Counter spell: Stop a spell from being cast. Dispel Magic: Destroy an active spell effect Remove Curse: Undoes a Curse. [/hider] [hider=Alteration] Spirit, Earth, Fire Alteration are spells that change properties, usually to a targeted individual or object. Alteration spells can only change one property, and cannot physically transform things. Alteration spells are limited to either enhance or reduce attributes through magic and magic alone. The effects are therefor, not permanent by design and end when the spell does. The exact strength of alteration spells, like all spells, vary on the mana put into it. Iron Skin: Increases a target's durability, making their flesh more Durable. Slow: Decreases the speed of a target, slowing their perception of time as well. Swift-footed: Drastically increases the speed of a target, both by movement and even by reactionary if logistically necessary. Berserker: A powerful spell that increases the physical prowess of the target, but also limiting other forms of magic as a result. While they also become resistant to foreign forms of magic, they lose the ability to cast spells while under this spell if they had such capacity before. [/hider] [hider=Abjuration] Water, Air, Earth Abjuration can be a bit confusing with Abnegation and Restoration. So here's a good way to look at it; If we were to compare magic to diseases and treatments; Restoration Cures the effects or symptoms, Abnegation destroys the source of the disease, Abjuration meanwhile, prevents the disease from happening. Like a vaccine. Spells under the abjuration School act as charms and protections, often from the supernatural. Due to its powers, it often relies on being bound to physical items for best results. Magic Circle: A magical circle drawn in the shape of the magic pentacle. Various supernatural beings, such as witches, spirits, demons, and the undead as examples cannot enter the circle from the outside, or leave the circle if they are trapped within it. Arcane Absorption: Specifically designed to ward away curses and similar uses of magic from the sanctioned individual. The spell breaks after having absorbed such magic. Alarm: A barrier that alerts the wielder or the affected area when something crosses its physical threshold. The alarm spell can be drawn with various means for a 'barrier', and can often be customized to alert for specific types of trespassers. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Invocations] [hider=Execration] Fire, Spirit, Water Death magic, The inversion of Restoration. These spells deal with magical afflictions and poisons, the undead, and decay and rot. Circle of Death: Creates a circular space that rots organic matter within it. Reanimate Dead: Creates undead, such as simple zombies and skeletons, to either serve its caster or run rampant. Poison Spray: Ejects a magical cloud of poison from the caster, that disorients those that breathe its toxic air. [/hider] [hider=Prestidigitation] Earth, Spirit, Air. The inversion of knowledge is deception. Spells of this school invoke powers of illusion and trickery. These spells target the brain to imitate false realities. More powerful illusions can even affect multiple people. False Image: Creates an illusionary object. Inflict Pain: Forces the target to experience an illusionary pain. Phantasm: Conjures an illusionary object or creature of fear to a target, manifesting as a temporary nightmare. Enthrall: Temporarily enchants a target to be more susceptible to influence. [/hider] [hider=Conjuration] Earth, Air, Water [/hider] [hider=Transmutation] Fire, Earth, Spirit [/hider] [hider=Malediction] Earth, Air, Water [/hider] [/hider] Actual spellcasting- [/hider] [hr] [hider=Witches] Then there are the witches. Blessed, or Cursed some would say, by the Goddess Hecate herself. The Goddess of the Moon and mother to all Witches. Unlike humans, Witches are immortal, and are free to cast Both Black and White magic. They're natural affinity to magic has made them a source of terror throughout history. [/hider] [hider=Priests and Prayer] [/hider] [hider=Warriors] [/hider] [hider=Blanks, Nulls] [/hider] [hider=Vampires] [/hider] [hider=Werewolves] [/hider]