[center][h1][b]Iraleth Kyrios[/b][/h1][/center] Frankly, she had no idea what Otis was doing. Or what to do, in this case. Her training had always focused on more...physical applications of essence. That said, it didn't mean she wouldn't try. Iraleth left Chunji where he stood, striding up behind the Strigdae. A glance at whatever Otis was trying only revealed that it wasn't something she'd be able to replicate. But that was fine. She didn't need to. She reached out, a gauntleted hand gripping Otis's shoulder. Whatever she lacked in knowledge of magical theory, Iraleth still had might to spare. Even with an overcharged leyline to empower him, that only lent energy. Not strength. Her prime essence cut both ways, and through direct contact, the paladin allowed the scholar to temporarily inherit her sheer force to bolster his efforts. Moreover, Iraleth's aura further empowered her, and through her, him. Unbeknowst to her, if there was one thing Otis was sure to believe in about the half-elf, it was raw strength. The feedback loop created by this lent greater divine might towards the effort, contributing towards the endeavour to outright rip Davil out. [@ERode] [@AThousandCurses]