[center][img]https://imgur.com/XShqxhB.png[/img] [h1][u]Elys Adair[/u][/h1][/center] [i][color=gray]Oratorio, //O3 - Bladerights Estate > The Underpass[/color][/i] [sub]In collaboration with [@ERode][/sub] [hr] [b]"Ah, the dream."[/b] There was both understanding and resignation in the older woman's tone. [b]"Little other reason to come to Oratorio, except for the Abyss's siren song. Regardless though, so long as your hands remain clean, you're welcome here. A name would be convenient though."[/b] Elys slightly grimaced. In her efforts to keep up with the instructor, she had forgotten an introduction. [b]“Elys. Elys Adair, ma'am.”[/b] She considered her travels thus far. She had an early start in the day, and imagined there was still time to explore before calling it a day. The instructor had her worried, though. Was it really so difficult to keep one's hands clean in a city like this? Regardless, the desire to use the day to her full advantage was upon her. She could at least relax knowing she had a place to rest for the night. As one of the students passed her staff back to her, Elys spoke.[b] “I will do my best to honor your welcome, ma'am. I will try to return before night comes. There's some of the city I want to see today.”[/b] Staff in hand, she bid farewell to the Bladerights Estate and continued down the road. She walked towards the heart of the city, following the call in her heart more than gravity. She made note of where and how she walked, ensuring she would be able to find her way back ‘home’ again. Thus, she found herself at the mouth of a tunnel - The Underpass. And she walked inside.