Annnddd here's Linqian's updated spellbook [hider=Linqian Spellbook]Refresh - put all the temperature ones under one section. Add another transformation section. Also then spells she’s learned from others? (ice hands from her brother, maybe basic electricity spell from Drake?) [sub][color=CD5C5C][b] Paranormal-Abilities[/b][/color][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"You think I’m hot? Well, you’re not wrong."[/i] [indent][color=CD5C5C][b]TYPE ⫻[/b][/color] Adept [color=CD5C5C][b]ABSTRACTION ⫻[/b][/color] [i]Red & Green Lux.[/i] Channeler: her mother’s wedding ring [color=CD5C5C][b]ABSTRACTION DESCRIPTION ⫻[/b][/color] Linqian is a relatively experienced red and green lux user, with a specialisation towards temperature manipulation. However she’s not been able to spend much time on her spells the past ten years due to looking after her family. She has a still undiscovered affinity towards fire and more advanced self transformation, which she’s only touched the surface of. [indent][color=CD5C5C][b]Thermomancy ⫻[/b][/color] Linqian's primary spell specialty that allows her to manipulate and control both external and internal temperatures, and weaponise it. She has develop two main spells underneath it during the Stygian Snake days, and continues to develop more spells now. [indent][color=CD5C5C][b]Body Temperature Manipulation ⫻[/b][/color] The spell Linqian is most skilled with, she can manipulate her own body temperature to deadly levels. This results in her touch being damaging. Along with this it means her body radiates heat or the cold. This change is visible, causing her to glow orange if she heats herself up or to get paler if she cools herself down. Her own body temperature can go up to over 1400°C - hot enough to melt metal. It can go down to -100°C, which is cold enough to make steel brittle. With more concentration she can change the temperature of specific body parts, rather than her whole body. [color=CD5C5C][b]Air Temperature Manipulation ⫻[/b][/color] Linqian can cause change the air temperature in a radius around her. She can increase it up to 40°C (104°F), a heat which other humans can survive but that can also cause hyperthermia. She can decrease the air temperature around her to around -15°C (5°F), a survivable but possible dangerous temperature and can cause hypothermia. She can control what temperature she manipulates it to, to a certain degree (she will never know the exact temperature but could roughly guess by making it from “somewhat hot” to “extremely hot”). [color=CD5C5C][b]Temperature Beam ⫻[/b][/color] A spell that Linqian is currently working on after getting shot at, the aim is to have a focused beam of incredibly high or low temperature that she can shoot from a finger at a range. Currently she's only been able to get it up to 30°C and down to -5°C... which is basically useless. Its basically hitting people with a pinpoint hair dryer or piece of ice. [/indent] [color=CD5C5C][b]Appearance Manipulation ⫻[/b][/color] A new series of spells Linqian has started developing, originally stemming from her want to fix how she looked easily. This is green lux focused and she hasn't put much work into it. They focus around manipulating her own appearance. Currently she can mainly fix her appearance, and hasn't worked much on anything that properly changes it. [indent][color=CD5C5C][b]Self Fix ⫻[/b][/color] The only spell Linqian has properly developed, this is a basic appearance manipulation spell. It allows Linqian to 'fix' parts of her appearance - removing a blemish, tidying her hair when it's a mess, lightening dark eye bags. She can only do it one issue at a time and its a temporary fix. [color=CD5C5C][b]Hair Style ⫻[/b][/color] A spell that allows Linqian to control her hair and style it. She's currently not very good at it, and it takes longer than doing it manually. Her aim is for it to eventually be instantaneous, saving her a lot of time. [/indent] [color=CD5C5C][b]The Rest ⫻[/b][/color] All the spells Linqian has learned from other people, which she mentally threw into one category. [indent][color=CD5C5C][b]Ice Hands ⫻[/b][/color] Taught to her by Jinhai, Linqian can turn her hands into ice and manipulate them. She’s not very good at this spell, as she doesn’t have much of an affinity with it. [color=CD5C5C][b]Lightning Dildo ⫻[/b][/color] Based on Drake's lightning arsenal which he taught her, sixteen year old Linqian developed the lightning dildo spell because it seemed like a great and hilarious idea. Just as the name says, Linqian can create a semi-solid dildo made out of lightning. She can technically hit enemies with it or throw it, and it'll shock on contact. Unlike Drake's lightning weapons, it's pretty fucking useless in battle. But also she's not a sword wielding nerd. [/indent] [/indent] [color=CD5C5C][b]LIMITS ⫻[/b][/color] [indent][color=CD5C5C][b]Thermomancy ⫻[/b][/color] These spells are all limited by what temperature she can achieve, and with each spell she can either only make it hot or cold (but she can combine it between the spells). [indent][color=CD5C5C][b]Body Temperature Manipulation ⫻[/b][/color] She’s limited by temperature, between ~1400°C and -100°C. This isn’t precise, Linqian can't choose be to 102 degrees say. She can only keep her temperature outside of normal for twenty minutes, then needs to rest for at least five. She can push herself to do it longer, but it will start damaging her. Due to emotional fields she can’t just kill other paranormal beings by, say, boiling their blood (though she can damage them). She can’t heat up one body part and cool down another at the same time. Also if she gets too hot it'll start affecting her clothes - at ~400°C any natural fibres will set on fire, and 500°C for non natural fibres. [color=CD5C5C][b]Air Temperature Manipulation ⫻[/b][/color] She can change the temperature from -15°C (5°F) to 40°C (104°F), and this isn’t precise. The radius is limited to five metres around her, and it will always be the whole radius. Like above, emotional fields dampen the effect of this. She can hold the temperature for about twenty minutes at a time. [color=CD5C5C][b]Temperature Beam ⫻[/b][/color] Right now this spell can only go between 30°C and down to -5°C. It has a range of 20m, but its useless until she improves the temperatures. [/indent] [color=CD5C5C][b]Appearance Manipulation ⫻[/b][/color] Linqian's self fix take a few seconds to come into affect, and she can only fix one thing at a time. She's limited in how much she can fix and keep fixed at a time - one large thing (so if she has to properly fix her hair, thats it) or multiple smaller things. It takes a bit of energy to do. Her hair styling takes about as long as it would manually, if not longer. Both only last up to eight hours. [color=CD5C5C][b]Ice Hands ⫻[/b][/color] If the ice her hands turn into is damaged, her actual hands are also damaged. She can only do it for five minutes at a time. [color=CD5C5C][b]Lightning Dildo ⫻[/b][/color] This takes a few moments to create and is pretty fragile. Plus, it's a fucking dildo. There's not much you can do with a dildo made out of lightning. [/indent] [color=CD5C5C][b]WEAKNESSES ⫻[/b] [/color] [indent](TO BE UPDATED) [color=CD5C5C][b]Body Temperature Manipulation ⫻[/b][/color] While heated up, Linqian is more susceptible to water and other factors that would cool her down. While cooled, it's vice-versa; she is far weaker against fire and the heat. She's not entirely immune to the effects of heat/cold, and going too hard can cause injuries. This does not differentiate between friend and foe; she can accidentally burn or freeze a friend touching her. If Linqian quickly shifts from one temperature to another, she can induce thermal shock in herself and possibly die. [color=CD5C5C][b]Heat & Cold Manipulation ⫻[/b][/color] These Spells do not differentiate between friend and foe and can be risky during team-based combat. This Spell can also cause her to overheat/overcool faster if she uses it with her Body-Temperature Manipulation. [color=CD5C5C][b]Ice Hands ⫻[/b][/color] This Spell weakens her against fire/heat-based attacks and can cause her [i]actual[/i] flesh to melt (not pretty).[/indent] [/INDENT] [/hider]