[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230524/91458118b42d1b084bbaf3d9ea357448.png[/img][/center] Zell and Fenna were the most injured by his observations, Adam had the fortune of blocking most of the damage while Mac was agile enough to dodge everything sent her way, he was worried for Kass but trusted that the other man to come to him if his injuries required it. As soon as he finished mending his party members he set his sights on the other patients. Looking at the excultists he couldn't help but remember the photos of post-disaster victims, the haunted looks, the fearful gazes, the way they seemed wary of every shadow or the glossy eyes too lost in their own minds. They had talked about what to do with them so he supposed that it was his duty as the leader to make the announcement. He let out a breath, better get to it. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- In the end it was easy to gather them all in an unused room, he chose against using the rooms where they fought for obvious reasons. Looking at them he couldn't help but feel pity, most of them were adults of varying ages but he could spy a couple of teenagers here and there, the youngest of them being 13 by his estimations. They looked back at him murmuring something or the other that he couldn't make out. Now how was he going to do this? Ah! With a flourish he pulled the anchor from his back and slammed it on the floor, keeping his hands on the ring at the top, he kept his expression stern but internally cringed as the villagers fliched, that hadn't been his intention [b]"My name is James Sirius, Cleric and leader of the adventurer party Second Chance and as I am sure you all have discovered the Greater Wraith is no more"[/b] Remember, keep your voice calm but strong, relaxed but confident, non forced eye contact is good [b]"I will not assume to understand what you have been trough but take reassurance, the gods shall no judge you for that which you had no control over and neither shall your fellow men"[/b] From what he had seen so far their society valued religious reasurance and that was something he could give freely [b]"My party will stay the night and tomorrow we will make the journey back to Cherrad, if you wish to accompany us that is okay, if you desire to brave the wilds by yourself that is your desicion and we will not stop you, you are no longer under the yoke of that monster, you are free"[/b] He would answer any questions they may have and then he would hit the sack, he felt like someone had punched his everything and he wanted nothing more than to pass out for a couple days.