[h2]Hello there![/h2] I know that it has been a while since I have posted here however, let me start off this post by stating just what exactly I am looking for. As the name and tags suggest, I’m looking for a sort of Post-Apocalyptic Final Fantasy RP. While this might be because I have been playing a bit too much Final Fantasy XIV and have also been watching some anime with a post-apocalyptic setting. Putting that aside, I know that I don’t really have the best track record of setting things up however, I’m willing to at least get some likeminded individuals involved who would like to place Final Fantasy characters in a setting that has been overtaken by vampires. For that purpose, I would like to know who all would be interested in Final Fantasy but… it’s after an apocalypse featuring vampires happened. Speaking of which, here is a small lore sample. [quote= An Excerpt From An Adventurer’s Journal] [b]Day 25[/b] We had responded to a rather peculiar posting on a quest board following the recent upsurge of vampires in the area. While most have opted to stay within the City-States of Eorzea as a sort of last haven, my party and I instead chose to venture out to prevent THEM from reaching the crystal found within the nearby region. It was to this extent that we set out on our quest to hopefully halt the incoming hordes. This trip took us days and possibly even weeks… Along the way, we had to stop at nearby villages to replenish our supplies and to also rest for a while. However, at the time, we knew not of how swift the enemy was with their assault. Even as we drew closer to our destination, we remained unaware of just how powerful they were until… it was too late. [b]Day 38[/b] When we arrived at the location, they almost immediately attacked us. Most of the party didn’t stand a chance against these so-called children of darkness and as a result, [color=red]blood… their blood… was spilled. One after the other, they fell…[/color] until I was the only one left. At this moment, I finally came to understand the true strength of our foes and despite that, I… tried to stop them however, I was too late to do so. As soon as the battle began, it quickly ended with me being gravely wounded by them. However, as I lay here writing this last entry, there was one key event that ended up happening. [color=darkred][b]THE CRYSTAL WE HAD BEEN TASKED TO DEFEND WAS NOW DYED RED.[/b][/color] [i]The rest of the pages in the book have been stained the same blood red hue as the crystal it was found near making what writing was on the page unreadable.[/i][/quote]