Right when Steele was hoping to get a little info out of the drunkards holed up in the watering hole, Elizabeth came and snatched him away. He was more or less along for the ride for the moment, blowing off the bouncer, seeing the others intimidate the would-be walking corpses that tried to be tough. Finally pile into a car and roam down to one of the city's seedier areas on a tip from beyond the grave. Steele was beginning to feel like Dorothy with the whirlwind he was caught up in. The car eventually came to a stop and the group piled out, discussing the game plan going forward. "I think staying as under the radar as possible's the way to go. I'll never turn down a good slug-fest but going in blinder than a mole on moonshine isn't a great idea in my book." Steele put forward, reading the proverbial room before continuing. "Why not ham it up a little, try to be just a fly on the wall? We're just here for the same reason the gentlemen out front are." Anyone who was anyone in the showbiz gig knew that a good performance was 50 to 30 percent skill and the rest was show, whether that be from the heart or a putting on a con. Steele had been on both sides of the quarter but ever since his own heart stopped he'd been more partial to the latter.