[centre][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4235968]<-Back to Index->[/url][/centre] [centre][h1]Plot seeds[/h1][/centre] [hr][hr] [centre] Something loosely Arthurian. Round Table knights can be OCs, completely altered from the original (female Kay? Fuck yes!). Just keeping the feel of the myths and maybe the relationships that exist. It can also be based on BBC Merlin, but I want to keep the original myth's plots/feel. * Based on my dream, Zombie Apocalypse meets the game Town of Salem. A parasite emerges, turning people into mindless drones. While their bodies rot, they seek other humans to feast on (basic zombies). However, their brains are kept alive. Not only do they work, but they are hijacked by the parasite, which uses the person's memories to replicate their regular behaviour. Could be a short tabletop or I could develop a plot for a longer roleplay. * Something GOT related (once I read through the books) * Something band-related, whether it's about starting up a music band or being in a battle of the bands sort of thing * Camp Halfblood Roleplay of some sort * A dragon age setting [/centre]