[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/228000357807161344/1216887085751865395/37d7113e16929006ce19f659d549db76.png?ex=66020569&is=65ef9069&hm=00a2197516a5a785686b924be7e2fe5ff4e160787e93d7fd5d31a5f599d29ed7&[/img] [h1][color=gold]Something [color=gray]Found[/color] and [color=F26522]Lost[/color][/color][/h1][/center] The quiet sound of hammering filled what was a dark void, it was a darkness that seemed to calm the mind. Within the nothing, a person began to form within, slowly it was from the form of a man, then upon the skin, scars began to etch themselves, across the hands, the arms, the legs, and they began to cross the back in countless ways. Scars that were old, marked, and deep as they reached further and further up, as upon the back of the man's neck was a strange tattoo that slowly faded away to show then another scar, one that stretched to nearly under each ear. Then hair began to form, black hair which the back fell past the shoulders and the rest covering the eyes, the ears, and began to float in the ethereal nothing. The hammering began to grow louder, as within the nothing formed a man, one who had many and few names; Young Wolf, Genius, Hunter, Fool, Faceless, Heartless. The hammering began to grow as within the nothing light pierced through, there stood the man in a workshop, hammering away at what seemed to be an intricately designed cylinder. At first, one would assume that was all it was, but as he picked it up and looked at it, what seemed to be intricate and delicate grooves dug into the metal with multiple holes that seemed to be drilled through the cylinder that goes the length of the piece. As he manipulated it and looked into the piece images filled his mind. First were images of the man running through a lively city, filled with melons that many others tried to claim, with him scooping up many as he had a big smile on his face. Next came the many gorgeous views within this almost enchanted forest. Large almost impossibly tall mushrooms that bent to his command, moved to his will as he called not only upon mushrooms but the forest itself and even many animals which ran and moved with him. Within his dark armor and outfit the man could see past the mask, the hood, and the helm, he had such a great big smile, he laughed like a child and seemed to almost play within the forest. Seeming to even forget what was happening around him as all he did was play pranks on those within the forest and laugh. Soon the forest faded as then it showed the same man now sitting at a table as he began to design some kind of strange contraption that looked like a large cannon pointing down, as he gleefully talked to the many people around him. Even into the dead of night there he was building the contraption, as the day came, they had this machine, that at first seemed to fail, yet at the moment it needed, everyone loaded up to the contraption and launched off, flying high, far higher than many as they reached a height that could only be said to be tamed by Dragons and the gods, and there the man had a smile so big that it seemed like his face was pulled back, it was as the force that was exerted was so great it forced everyone to be plastered to their seats. The visions continued to fill the man's mind, fights that he thought he died in, different forms he had thought he took, then he remembered the tragedy, the death of an incredibly important and respected man in the city, and then things began to devolve into chaos. Sides were drawn, wars were spoken onto the wind, and strange events continued to happen. For the man, he had done things he believed were right, he's done the right things, he's followed his own beliefs, and he has chosen his course in life. He knew… He knew what he stood for. He knew what type of man he was. He was someone who would do what he believed was right. May it be good or not, that was for others to decide, but he did what he thought was right, what he knew would help himself or those he cared for, and nothing more. There he then stood, on the grounds of a great and ominous keep, with a tower that reached the sky. A fog that covered the ground and stuck to the lungs, and a horrid feeling of uneasiness. Within there were horrid monsters, monsters that took different forms of animals, illusions that made themselves so real that they could damage the body, injure the mind without ever touching the body, and perform tricks to madden the mind. Yet, almost like it was expected, he made it out of those deadly situations. By the skin of his teeth, from the bare moment before he would die, from just a second before he would lose consciousness, yet a moment passed and he rose again, now entering the almost looming tower in earnest. There he moved up the tower, with friends he seemed to laugh with. There they met a man, far stronger than his years aged him, and far more spry than his age proved, he was a monster in human flesh and fought like a devil. As did the intrepid trio. The 3 fought like mad, they attacked a man who seemed to fly and move through space like nothing, appearing and disappearing like the breeze. And yet the three fought and performed the greatest attack they could. They combined their power as the Young Wolf, the one who struggled against everything, pulled his power, and laid it all down for then a friend to perform the deed. There he fell, passing out and entrusting what was to be, a moment to remember. Yet it was one he could not forget. When he awoke from his slumber. From the darkness. He saw there stood a friend, and on the ground, another perished. The man stood looking at the friend as they called out his name holding out an apple, there the man took it, looking at it as he sighed. And took a bite.