[h1][u]Ciara Ventura[/u][/h1] [i][color=gray]Wingram Clinic[/color][/i] [@Nanaya] [hr] [i]Hands-on, indeed.[/i] Ciara put the best pained look on her face as the receptionist mentioned the first day of classes. Indeed, it was nothing like what Ciara had experienced before. Even access to raw magic and how it worked up close was nothing short of miraculous. It made her consider, once again, exactly what kind of school she had enrolled in, and had begun to attend. Exactly what type of school was Wingram…? A sigh as her head spun uncomfortably. More questions than answers. And they would have to wait. Ciara nodded as the receptionist instructed her to one of the clinic's rooms, and she murmured out a soft ‘thank you’ as she walked unsteadily down the hall. The sword she carried was momentarily rested against the wall as she walked inside. Sitting on the patient's bed felt like mere moments until Doctor Payton strode in. For a moment, Ciara felt like she was in trouble all over again with how the good doctor stared icily at her. As she opened her mouth, nothing but a surprised squeak came out. An alarmed clearing of the throat, and Ciara tried to speak again. [b]“They were received in a fight. My teacher used thorns to create the gashes-” [/b]she gestured to her arms,[b] “-and a flaming sword’s steam caused the burns.”[/b] Another gesture to the fabric now fused to her back. She took a moment to think, considering exactly what type of magic her teacher had sparred with. [b]“An overcharged leyline was used, so if I had to guess, a mix of Ethos and raw leyline magic was used in both instances.”[/b] A pause, before Ciara tilted her head.[b] “I was also subjected to the screams of the damned, I don't know if that did anything to my psyche or not…”[/b] As Doctor Payton's book was held open, Ciara felt suddenly less like a patient and more like a research subject. The clinical detachment was evident, and it made Ciara's throat feel dry with anxiety. But she needed to be seen. She needed as much of her strength back before the fight later that evening. She had to be ready to defend herself, and put everything on the line against Iraleth. So with no hesitation, Ciara spoke,[b] “I consent, Doctor Payton. I am in your care, please do whatever you can for me.”[/b]