The forest was quiet in the dark hours, but when the sky turned lighter, before the sun revealed itself, birds already started to wake up and greeted each other and the world around them. Sil had spent the night outside, but it wasn't just the lighter sky and the small birds that woke her up. A sound that did not belong. When Zigmund scanned the area, Sil examined him and recognised the enemy from before. Danger. She kept silent. Danger. Danger. When Zigmund went up the hill, Sil flew up and followed. Fenna had found a room downstairs with several beds that had been used by the low-ranks who lived and worked in the temple even before the cultists had taken over. She dreamt of Zigmund, the battle they had in the Mazy Hillocks, from bird-eye view. Danger. The feeling of danger was so strong she woke up, rolled out of bed and sat on one knee with a dagger in her hand. What? Where was she? Right, the temple. Groaning, she stood up. Her back still ached from where the wraith had struck her. That's when she heard a voice in the distance. Ninja? Oh no... She quickly collected the gear she had removed prior to lying down and rushed out. She halted when she realised she didn't remember what way the entrance was. She grabbed the arm of a former cultists who had fled further inside the temple at MacKensies warning. "The way out," she urged. "Really? There's..." the cultist began, but her voice trailed away when she saw Fenna's determination. "Okay, this way." Another cultist entered the room. "There's some kind of ninja outside," he said. The brainwashed cultists had fought, as that was the only thing they could do. Now that they weren't, any remaining cultists preferred to flee over fighting. "This way," the woman repeated. "I used to live here before..." she swallowed heavily and didn't finish the sentence. "There is only one entrance, but in case of emergency, there is another way out." Fenna followed the former cultist as she showed a passage that could only be opened from the inside. From the outside it looked just like the walls of the temple, from the inside the thick iron door was barred and locked. The former cultist removed the iron rods, unlocked it and the three of them pushed it open. Fenna ran around the temple and joined her team after Zigmund destroyed the entrance. The water ninja attacked MacKensie, and Barracker jumped in to block the attack. The moment Zigmund and Barracker seemed to be at a standstill, Fenna rushed forward with her now 2-meter-long spear, and used the opportunity to stab Zigmund with the tip.