He's finally up! Now to draw him. A photo will be up tomorrow probably. Sugiyama Chizuo 杉山 千鶴夫 Nicknamed Tsuru-sensei for the crane kanji in his name and also his demeanor. A man in between youth and middle age, where wear lines are starting to creep onto his once-handsome features. He still looks good, certainly much better than the other teachers who are nearing their fifties and sixties, but it's clear that the days where he was objectively attractive are past. Has upturned, deep brown eyes and particularly deep-set crow's feet, carved in by years of joy and sorrow. Slightly taller than average and slight. Has the wisps of a mustache on his upper lip and a neat side part. His voice is plaintive and serene, like every word is an elegy for an enemy. Wears western styles. A gentle, quiet, but aloof teacher who teaches both English and Japanese. While he does reserve some resentment for the rowdy kids and the little scraps of funding he has to work with, he ultimately he values his job. Studied abroad in England before returning to Japan to teach but found little full-time work and thus had to come back to his home town. Beleaguered by the pressure placed onto him by parents and the rest of the understaffed school, so very hard to reach when he's finally released from his duties. Advisor of the culture club. Has few friends as most of them have moved out from the tiny farming village for greener pastures. Still old-fashioned and doesn't have a cell phone. Rarely talks to his friends on his sister's landline. More often writes them. Otherwise a very lonely person. The elders see him standing on the shore, staring at the water some mornings. It seems his hobby is thinking, or nothing at all. A nice singing voice and a particularly unbroken falsetto are wasted on him. Lives in his childhood home in a guest room with his younger sister and her family. They've accepted that he's probably never going to start one of his own and will remain as Uncle Chizuo until he dies. His quarters are surprisingly messy despite how neat his area in the faculty room is. Rides his sister's tandem bike to work every day.