[Right][H2][color=#CA9BF7]Fia Blackfire[/color][/H2][/right] [hr] Each joint slowed as the surrounding temperature fluctuated between the freezing rime and the molten heat of the liquefied internals of the golem. Even so, the ice was holding, the golem making obvious efforts to use its limbs, the ice straining or cracking, but not breaking, yet. Forced to lean on the near bookcase for stability, the golem continued routing mana. Fia wasn’t too bothered to find a purpose, as she moved from joint to joint to further immobilizing the ancient construct. The stream of ice halted as the crystal within the golem’s head shattered, even if partly. The clatter of stone against stone echoed across the floor, yet the golem persisted through the injury. Despite the damage the construct sustained, it was still operational, if otherwise immobile. Fia’s eyes gazed to the fire where she instinctively kept her distance. The orb that glowed off white and blue changed to that of red as Fia started to channel her magic once again. Then the color faded, and the orb stopped glowing. With a barrier now erect within view, and Vesemir retreating into it, Fia got a sense that something was wrong. It certainly wasn’t helped by Gray Flame’s shout as well. Whatever they suspected was going to come, perhaps thread armor would not be enough protection. Instead of channeling magic into her orb, she focused on herself. In moments, Fia was no longer there replaced with a humming bird. Like a dart, Fia flew around the golem along a leftward path and into Roxas’ barrier. Thread armor alone probably wouldn’t. But barrier that looked as sturdy as Roxas’ in addition in case her view was wrong might be enough.