As Finrod and Lyra entered the bustling gates of the city of Whiterun, the vibrant energy of the market enveloped them. The lively sounds of merchants hawking their wares, the tantalizing aromas wafting from nearby eateries, and the warm rays of the sun casting a golden hue over everything created an atmosphere of anticipation. "I agree, Lyra," Finrod remarked, taking in the scene around them. "It is far safer indoors in areas we don't know well. We can purchase lodging at local inns along the way." Making their way through the throng of people, Finrod began mentally listing the supplies they needed. "So, we need to gather up some food and drink, perhaps some arrows, a potion or two..." His voice trailed off as he absorbed the bustling surroundings. "We should be fast though so we can capitalize on the day, and get as far as we can!" As they moved further into the market, Finrod couldn't help but notice the way the gentle breeze tousled Lyra's hair, framing her face in a captivating manner. [i]Her hair dances like sunlight on water[/i], he thought to himself, admiring her presence beside him, trying not to be obvious of his seemingly growing attraction to her beauty, he has remained isolated from growing close to people for so long, it is a foreign feeling for him to attempt to deal with. "Is there anything you want specifically, Lyra?" Finrod inquired, his gaze lingering on her. [i]I'd like to get her something special, something that reflects her essence[/i], he pondered silently, hoping to discern her desires amidst the bustling ambiance.