[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/againts-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240315/a7bf99c997f76346bd62685771ea1f78.png[/img][/url][/center] [hr] The flow of wind made its way through Lazhou, carrying with it the hope, scorn, regret, and anger of the people that called it home. It was not what Ryschi had expected when he was told to make for the fishery here, as he imagined port towns to be places of excitement, diversity, and creativity. Instead, this place felt like a well maintained prison and it wasn't long before the wardens had to check for contraband. Rushing past the Inn that Ryschi and his traveling companion, Huo, were taking a moment to rest in, a group of guards made way towards the same fishery that they were supposed to go to later in the day. Shortly after, a women sped out of the establishment headed to same way and some commotion began to rise outside. [color=darkkhaki]"Hey Huo, do you think we should go che-.."[/color] Ryschi began to ask before realizing his friend had already stopped his pandering and gone to question the barkeep. [color=darkkhaki][i]He'll be fine if I go take a peek without him right? Yeah, of course, He's a grown man.[/i][/color] Slinking outside, Ryschi casually walked towards the fishery to investigate, glad that without his orange sash it would be hard to tell him apart from any other poor villager, and glad that Kimo was a good two hours out of town to avoid detection. The tension of the air grew thicker as he approached, sensing not hostility but pure, unwavering resistance coming from the core of the scene. The source revealed itself, a large man stood between the guards and an older gentleman. [color=708090]"Might you honor a humble wanderer with the knowledge of what brings such valiant men here?"[/color] Ryschi couldn't believe his eyes, he had never expected another airbender to find themselves here, especially at a time like this. There were a few more shifting winds in the crowd, people moving to act or preparing to follow suite, but he couldn't take his eyes off the monk. Was he brought here to scold Ryschi, or worse, force him to return home? He certainly couldn't take him in a conflict if that was the case, even beyond his physique. Ryschi knew that his style relied on forcing opponents to bend to the wind's will, overwhelming those that had no way to disperse his strong gales, but other airbenders were his natural weakness. Noticing how long he was staring, and that the situation was progressing with the advance if a neutral negotiator, Ryschi decided it was time to return to Huo and see if he had gathered enough intel. Last thing he wanted was for the monk to notice him back. A head of hair, an arm tattoo, and non-traditional clothing were all things that made him look nothing like a nomad, but Ryschi was certain that if he had been seen then the monk would know his origin. On his way back, he made sure to avoid those that had storms brewing inside them. Years of chasing spirits, meditating amongst them, calming them, and seeking their understanding had helped him hone an eye for what others were feeling and as such, Ryschi could tell the difference between those that were concerned, or hiding, or just curious to see what happens and those that were waiting with bated breath for what would need to come next. He leaves this to them, and whispers a prayer for the safety of all who will need it. Re-entering the Black Eel Inn, He began to try and locate his companion and upon spotting him, wasted no time winding through the crowd. Ryschi leaned over Huo's shoulder to whisper into his ear, [color=darkkhaki]"If you know where our contact is, we need to go find her quick. Otherwise, we may want to leave town for a bit and return when things calm down."[/color] [hr] [@webboysurf]