Finrod's laughter rings out, a warm sound that fills the air with camaraderie. "Yeah... I was thinking the same thing," he admits, his eyes meeting Lyra's with a shared understanding. "Try for the Inn, but if not, I love a good backup plan!" As Finrod notices Lyra inching closer, a subtle tension lingers between them, a silent acknowledgment of their growing closeness. He feels a rush of playful energy as he stands up, lightly brushing against Lyra's arm in a teasing manner. "Let's get started! We've got a long day ahead of us," he declares, leading the way towards the door with a sense of purpose. Exiting the inn, they step into the bustling market, the vibrant energy of the city enveloping them. The air is filled with the aroma of exotic spices and the sounds of merchants haggling with customers. With determined strides, the duo makes their way towards the city gates, eager to begin their journey beyond the familiar confines of civilization. Passing through the massive gates, they leave behind the comfort and safety of the city, stepping onto the winding path that leads into the wilderness. Gradually, the cacophony of the city fades into the serene tranquility of nature, replaced by the gentle chirping of birds, the rustling of leaves in the breeze, and the soothing murmur of a nearby river. The warmth of the sun bathes them in its golden glow, casting long shadows across the path as they walk. Yet, despite the idyllic surroundings, the wilderness of Skyrim is fraught with dangers lurking in the shadows. Wolves and bears roam the dense forests, while bandits and thugs lurk in the shadows, ready to prey on unsuspecting travelers. Darker still are the whispers of necromancers practicing their dark arts and cults with radical views, hidden deep within the heart of the wilderness. In the midst of this vast expanse, a strange silence settles over the duo, broken only by the sound of their footsteps crunching on the dirt path. Sensing the need to fill the void, Finrod breaks the silence with a question, his voice cutting through the stillness. "So, Lyra, when you're not off on adventures to the unknown... what do you normally do for fun?" His gaze lingers on her, a mix of curiosity and genuine interest shining in his eyes. It's as if a spell has been cast over him, drawing him closer to the enigmatic Dark Elf with each passing moment.