As they ventured out of the bustling city of Whiterun and onto the path leading towards Karthspire, Lyra couldn’t shake the sense of relief that washed over her. The open wilderness embraced them, offering a sense of freedom and comfort she hadn’t realized she missed. Beside her, Finrod’s presence was a reassuring anchor, his steady strides matching her own as they walked side by side. Surprisingly, when their arms brushed against each other, neither shied away. It was as if an unspoken understanding had settled between them, allowing for the subtle exchange of physical contact without awkwardness. Lyra found herself drawn to the warmth of Finrod’s presence, grateful for the unexpected comfort it brought. Their footsteps echoed softly on the dirt path, the rhythm of their journey filling the quiet air. After a while, Finrod broke the silence, his voice cutting through the tranquil surroundings. He inquired what she did for fun, his tone laced with genuine curiosity. Lyra chuckled softly at the question, the sound carrying a hint of amusement. “Fun?” she repeated, the word feeling foreign on her tongue. “I’m not really sure,” she admitted, pausing to ponder. “I enjoy reading. Dancing, though I’m not very good at it. And fishing,” she added with a small smile, the memories of casting lines into tranquil waters bringing a sense of peace to her soul. Turning the question back to Finrod, she raised an eyebrow playfully. “What about you? What does a high elf like yourself do for fun?” she asked, genuinely curious to learn more about the enigmatic man by her side. As they continued their journey, the air between them seemed charged with an undeniable tension, a palpable energy that crackled with unspoken words and shared moments. Beneath the vast expanse of the Skyrim sky, amidst the beauty of the wilderness, Lyra couldn’t help but wonder what adventures awaited them on the road ahead — and what it was that had drawn them together, forging a connection bound by fate whether they liked it or not.