Tsuyoshi sat in a rusty red pickup truck, dressed in his Sunday Best. With a bright look in his eyes, he watched as the mountains of Hokkaido passed him by. Trees, flowers, crops, and bushes of all kinds and colors popped up along the ride. Back at home in Shibuya, you could only find this variety of colors on young people in Harajuku or the neon signs at night. He couldn't help but smile at the sight. This was going to become a much familiar view for the fresh-faced teacher. He wouldn't wake up the sound of traffic and alarms, and spend his morning piling into a subway. He wouldn't get to pass by the coffee shop his friend worked at or fall asleep in his University's library. His days would be filled with his students and whatever Hokkaido had to offer him. Suddenly, he was brought back to the present as a deep and rumbly voice spoke up. "Suzuki, are you alright, boy? You got quiet all of a sudden." Tsuyoshi turned his head, remembering he wasn't in this vehicle alone. Across from him was a much older man wearing a pair of beat-up glasses and work clothes, Tsuyo's landlord. The teacher's face reddened, momentarily lost for words. He cleared his throat and haphazardly pushed his hand through his hair, only making a further mess of it. "Sorry, Watanabe-san! It just hit me that I'll... be in Hokkaido for a while." Watanabe's brows unfurrowed and his gaze softened with an unspoken understanding. He let out a huff and put his attention back onto the road. "...Right." Once they arrived in front of the main building, Tsuyo hesitantly stepped out. He was most definitely not in Tokyo anymore, but he was well aware of that now. With a deep breath and a smile, he steps through the doors.