[center][img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/c1d0b6bc-ae1d-4726-b675-584df71031cb/dfonscl-6a2bbfd4-f7ef-45eb-ac06-22d05d6b6aaf.png/v1/fill/w_1264,h_632,q_70,strp/when_worlds_collide_by_youvebeen0wned_dfonscl-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NjQwIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvYzFkMGI2YmMtYWUxZC00NzI2LWI2NzUtNTg0ZGY3MTAzMWNiXC9kZm9uc2NsLTZhMmJiZmQ0LWY3ZWYtNDVlYi1hYzA2LTIyZDA1ZDZiNmFhZi5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTI4MCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.93szJjIuWWcsy8c0Xj-3_9hoOJ4olpF8xjSB9aDZ1ug[/img][/center] [right][sub]Art Credit: When Worlds Collide by YouveBeen0wned[/sub][/right] [hr] [indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent] [quote=Archmagus Erasmus, year unknown]To say that [i]The Shattering[/i] was a cataclysm is to grossly understate the sheer magnitude of the event for those who lived through it. While it is indeed difficult to approximate what it might have felt like so long after the era in question, it cannot be understated just how apocalyptic it is for the fabric of the cosmos to come undone as it did; the way that it unraveled like a broken tapestry beneath the very feet of those who'd not realized that they'd made a mistake in thinking it stable was nothing less than a force of utter existential doom. It was, to all who were present, the end of the world. The end of everything. And even some thousands of years later, we have yet to experience anything that can compare.[/quote] Emerson supposed he should have counted himself fortunate when he was spared death at the hands of The Shattering. In the early days especially, it wasn't uncommon for someone to just up and disappear as worlds collided into one another; as whole realities that one hadn't even been privy to the existence of folded on top of one another. But it was only in the beginning that people believed their neighbors were disappearing. The horrible truth that they'd later learn was that those who vanished were being dissolved by the cataclysm, their very essence picked apart piece by agonizing piece until they were no more. Folk called it being unmade. Some even believed that the very memories of these poor souls were consumed as well. But it's hard to say when nobody can remember them. Though lucky to have his life, Emerson didn't come out of the early Shattering wholly unscathed. He lost his home. The bakery his late older sister left him, and the little garden that went along with it, had been picked apart right before his eyes and sent cascading through the rapidly shrinking cosmos. He'd spent a lot of time in that garden. Putting his hands in the dirt and coaxing flowers to take root made him feel close to her, somehow. His whole life in pieces, splayed out across disparate worlds and fractured realities. All of it, just gone. And for a while, Emerson wept over that fact. His neighbor, bless her, kindly let him stay at her house --- what was left of it, anyway --- until he'd cried all the tears he had. By the end, he'd not run out of sorrow, just space in the well of his heart to put it in. What overflowed had to go somewhere and Em wasn't known for being the idle sort. So he set to work. Fueled by the ache in his chest, he went about with a plan to find what had been taken from him. Maisie let him use her kitchen on the condition that she got to sample a little bit of everything he made. He agreed, of course, and set to work. For days he got up early and made all sorts of things --- rich and doughy breads, flaky butter-glazed rolls, and sweet tea-cakes of lemon and lavender. By the end of almost a week, he supposed he had enough to bribe his way into what he needed. Emerson went about the remnants of his old home. The village didn't look so much like he remembered it, but ghosts of what used to be still lingered in places; memories that were harder to break apart than the buildings they clung to. The blacksmith was still there, but the man who kept the bellows going was nowhere to be found. Only his daughter remained, and she was more than happy to trade a couple of swords to Emerson for a tray of cakes and some good loaves of bread. She even pointed him in the direction of a leather worker for an extra roll. In this way, Em gathered up all he needed to set out into the world: a couple swords, a bow and some arrows, a pack to travel by, and some shoes that'd last him a good long while. The rest of what he needed he'd have to get along the way. And with that, Emerson bid Maisie farewell and plunged into the unknown. Em hadn't been a terribly good baker to start, but he learned. For Izzy's sake, and the sake of the bakery, he learned. He would learn this, too. And anything else he needed to to get back what was his. His home, even if it wouldn't quite look the same when he got it. Then again, neither would he. [/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [hr][hr][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent] [center][h3]A B O U T M E[/h3][/center] Hello! You can call me Tim (he/him). I'm a 30 year old man now who is returning after a brief (*cough cough* 5 year) hiatus from roleplaying. That being said, I've never stopped writing and so I'm excited to hopefully get back into the swing of things before too long. I have ample experience dating back to around 2009 when DeviantArt chat roleplaying was a thing. Needless to say, I've been hooked ever since. Outside of writing I work and have a few hobbies that keep me occupied, but I'm never the sort to let a roleplay slip without notifying my partner. Open communication is key! [hr][center][h3]R P P R E F E R E N C E S[/h3][sub][color=hotpink]★[/color] = strongly desired![/sub][/center] [list][*]A Game Master[sup][color=skyblue]1[/color][/sup] [color=hotpink]★[/color][color=hotpink]★[/color] [*]Using Discord to Roleplay [color=hotpink]★[/color] [*]High Casual - Advanced (except during scenes with heavy dialogue/action) [*]Focus on World Building and Character Relationships [*]OOC Planning (Story Arcs, Character Arcs, Antagonists, Plotting, etc.) [*]M/F Romantic Pairings (Female Partner Preferred) [*]Story:Smut Ratio = 60:40 or 70:30 (ask about my kink list in DMs~) [*]Monster Girls[sup][color=skyblue]2[/color][/sup] [sub](not furries, sorry!)[/sub][/list] [hr][i][sup][color=skyblue]1[/color][/sup] Please note that, while I do ask that my partner is open to acting as a Game Master of sorts, I do not expect for the bulk of the roleplaying labor to be placed upon your shoulders. Ideally, the process of crafting the story will still be collaborative, with both of us having input on various story elements, plot points, and aspects of the various worlds coming together in this cataclysm. Please, if you ever feel like you're taking on too much of the roleplaying burden, let me know so we can talk about re-configuring the division of labor so to speak so that it's more amenable to both of us. [sup][color=skyblue]2[/color][/sup] Please ALSO note that my request for monster girls does not mean that I [b]ONLY[/b] wish you to play monster girls. I'll gladly accept more common races such as Humans, Elves, Vampires, etc. My request was never meant to replace the standard, but rather to add to it.[/i] [hr][center][h3]T H E G A M E M A S T E R[/h3][/center] As mentioned before, I am looking for someone who is willing to take on the role of GM. What this means, at least to me, is that you will largely be in charge of the overall scope of the world, the adventures, and the myriad of other people that my character, Emerson, comes across along his journey. In this way, I hope you will feel empowered to come up with all sorts of fun and interesting characters that you enjoy playing! Perhaps some of these characters will even stick along for the journey, or maybe they'll only be around for a short while. It's totally up to you and I'm absolutely happy to keep an open line of dialogue for brainstorming characters and situations (ideally even spicy ones) that you will have fun with. Beyond just the story and world, there are other, perhaps more game-like elements that I would also really be interested in including such as: [list][*]Keeping up with semi-realistic travel time [*]Tracking food and supplies [*]Needing to make money to buy said supplies (or a room to stay for the night) [*]Picking up odd-jobs for a while when there isn't an adventure to be had --- after all, [i]somebody[/i] has got to scrub the royal dishes [*]Carry-weight consideration, forcing Emerson to perhaps rent a wagon if he really wants to fully loot that abandoned old mine[/list] Overall, I want to make sure the experience is as fun for you as it will be for me, so if there is an element that you're not as enthusiastic about, please let me know so we can talk about it and find a solution we are both happy with! [hr][center][h3]G E N R E S[/h3] FANTASY || ACTION || ADVENTURE || ROMANCE[/center] [hr][center][h3]S E T T I N G S[/h3] STONE-AGE || BRONZE-AGE || MEDIEVAL || VICTORIAN || STEAMPUNK || SILKPUNK || DIESELPUNK[/center] [hr][center][h3]T H A N K Y O U[/h3][/center] Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post. If any or all of this seems interesting to you, [b][color=steelblue]please reach out to me via PMs[/color][/b] so we can discuss further and really get to sinking our teeth into the world together. In your initial message, please try to give me a good sense for who you are, your writing proclivities, and what sorts of scenarios/characters/plots/spicy situations you may be interested in playing out. I'd even love it if you gave me examples of some of your writing to give me a sense of whether or not our styles are compatible. [/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent]