[h3] [color=#e5e4e2] [b]The Gray Flame[/b][/color][/h3] [hr] [quote][color=f26522]"Sir Vesemir. What do you think of that mysterious man's statement? The one about how that parchment you held having only one purpose, to put 'her' to rest? What would that mean? And who do you think this 'her' is?"[/color] There was a hint of restlessness in Vesemir's eyes when he rolled that scroll again and secured it back into its container. But as usual, he always appeared composed [/quote] [b]"Just a plea, one that should not be taken as an obligatory any of us must fulfill."[/b] Momentarily, his eyes darted back to the chamber again, and Vesemir fell silent for a bit before starting again with a wistful tone, as if knowing a mask of composure and joviality wouldn't do the trick this time. [b]"As for what that means, I do not know exactly what it entails. Over millennia, this scroll was considered a lost relic, yet the speculations and theories about what it can do have become as many as the long years since Theriadore created it." [/b] [b]"To weaken Luithiel. That was its purpose. Vengeful was the Servant of Serensiel during the five years of rebellion, and she weaponized her hatred to destroy her enemies, Men and Elves alike. You have witnessed how Sir Gray invoked divine blessing, this scroll works similarly; To ward off negative influence born from hatred and envy. I have no idea what was the meaning of his request to put her to rest. Luithiel died one and a half millennia ago, and elven soul does not linger. Unless..."[/b] Squinting, Vesemir glanced at Gray who just joined them. "Tell me Mr Gray Flame. What exactly awaits us in Ostianor?" "Oh, having a second thought now?" the masked elf shrugged, intentionally holding the answer as if wanting to set up suspense. "Could be nothing or the source of all evil we see. Honestly, we Rangers never go into that old tower, part of it is to respect Theriadore's wish and... well Some of my colleagues know better than to disturb the already restless spirit." [b]"And that Spirit. Is that [i]"her"[/i]?"[/b] A small laughter escaped him. "Was what Theriadore recorded in that chamber frightens you? It's not like you are calling this expedition off even if I tell you every terrible legend and myth surrounding this land." [b]"Not me, but I think Miss Carnathia deserves to know so she could prepare in advance."[/b] Gray's masked visage shifted at the tubular container, and he tilted his head. "We have prepared enough. But fine. One of the legends says Luithiel is still alive, and that legends spurred many speculations and twisted tales, that she was cursed; that she was awakened as... our primordial form, and the craziest of it, she denied [b]the recall[/b]. Gray, as usual, did not elaborate. He jumped to the worst-case scenario instead. "If we go there to fight her, I have nothing against it. We are strong enough. My question would be, why?" [b]"I would rather not fight anybody."[/b] Answered Vesemir. [b]"Our goal in Ostianor is just to retrieve the key to Nuria. But it seems despite the vote of confidence you don't look thrilled with the idea as well, for the reason that is different from mine."[/b] In his attempt to angle more information from him, Gray Flame sighed and looked at Carnathia. "What I feel is irrelevant, and it's not like I am holding any secret. I've never been into Ostianor's inner sanctum, and I do not know what kind of power that spirit possesses. The story about the Retainer is often mystical in nature, and the wise know when not to push their luck. [b]"And we are far from the wisest, that's what you are trying to say." [/b] "My opinion is irrelevant. You are the boss. You point the place and I bring you there, anything that stands between us and your goal is a roadblock. You can either turn back or push through, and I'll support you either way."