[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fallout-new-vegas-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230112/f7d774d3ec20946c1b1c06b083a1b2cd.png[/img][/url][/center] Holy shit, this was new: Full of holes and leaking so bad he could feel the drain. It made everything before this seem like scrapes and bruises in comparison - a few 'Oww-ies.' As he lay there, he was actually reminded of two things from his old life. The first being a nightmare he once had, during a brief and rare time period in Uni life when a few of his 'business execs' had fucked up and he'd winded up in debt to some horrible men. Horrible and powerful men in London. A stressful time, that was. He'd gotten himself out of it, of course - he's Zell fucking Brooks - naturally. But that short time had been stressful enough to give him a nightmare, once, where he'd ended up laying in an alley, somewhere, in just this very position - full of holes and leaking profusely. Anyway, that nightmare was the first thing. The second thing he was reminded of was his death. That bus. [i]The lights were red.[/i] That feeling of life just draining from one's body. The pain. The paralysis. It was so similar. That's how he knew he was dying, in this moment. There was no other feeling like it. He could've died a hundred times in a hundred different worlds - wouldn't matter - there was no amount of familiarity that could prepare him for the terrifying creep of nothingness slowly engulfing the mind and body. First sky, then steam: That was his view. Then, as his eyes moved to the shadowy figure in his periphery, he saw Zigmund emerge from the cloud. Zell's breaths were slow and heavy. In his mind, he pushed away the terror and came up with a plan. One plan to take this bastard with him to afterlife. But would he have the strength to pull it off? Zigmund came closer. Zell barely had the strength to tighten his grip on his sword. This was going to be a long shot. Two teleports left. And one, "T-t-t-take... Vor," he whispered. "B-" [b][i]YEET![/i][/b] His body was yanked hard, pulled with such force he bumped lifelessly along the floor, out of the steam and away from Zigmund. It was pretty rough treatment - hurt like hell - but when he saw the face of his best friend, he was not complaining. [i]Definitely a better a plan,[/i] he thought as he managed a smile for James who wasted no time getting to work, casting Lesser Restore. The magic curing his body felt weird, like at the hospital with Ms Devil Doctor. It wasn't as fast or intense, but he could literally feel his body repairing. Didn't do much for the pain but hell, he wasn't gonna complain. "Cheers, Jay-dog," he said over heavy breaths. "What would I do without you, eh?" Second by second, his strength to speak was restoring. "So, bossman...?" he asked. "Rushing an opponent roughly twice your strength like a wild caveman.... how would you rate my strategy out of ten?" He rolled his head towards the battle in time to see the water javelins form up above Zigmund, "Incoming, James," and then come flying at them. A tree suddenly moved in the way of the attack targeting Zell himself, and he knew who'd save his ass. So long as James managed to avoid getting hit, Zell would just look back to the sky with relief. "Adam, you fucking angel." The strength to move was coming back. And with that, he was itching to get back to the fight. Just a little more time.