[quote=@Blizz] [hider=Amara King][CENTER][h1][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/i9mJHtTQ4ljVlHKFlGvOBH8R-LYGwnr8vLigPvEQbVo/https/fontmeme.com/permalink/240204/a46d173d864e54efd06ab675a496cd2c.png?format=webp&quality=lossless[/img][youtube]https://youtu.be/a1e4nRzHoaE?si=WW2pOT-9oobP17nS[/youtube][/h1][/CENTER] [i]"We lived, bitch."[/i] [table][row][/row][row][cell] [center][img] https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/710908524602851461/1203933830734413824/image0.jpg?ex=65e55ac1&is=65d2e5c1&hm=4ba2a5dc249714e411187b19b8f293bcf73a3e7d811d276d5b1b34ff703f452d&=&format=webp&width=549&height=549[/img] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [sub][color=789CAA]Amara Talia King[/color] [color=789CAA] She/Her [b]|[/b] 26 [b]| [/b] Black [b] |[/b] 5'7" [b]|[/b] 180lbs [/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [color=789CAA]ass[/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [color=789CAA]Skills & Talents[/color][/sub] [i]"When you’ve got an army in your head, you pick up a few tricks."[/i] [sup]___________________________________[/sup][/center][hider=] [sub] [b][color=789CAA]PRA Background ⫻[/color][/b] Back when Amara was a senior agent going by the callsign [i]Legion, [/i] she often occupied multiple roles on and off the battlefield. Amara developed a diverse range of operative skills including recon, CQC, small and long arm combat, and field leadership. [b][color=789CAA]Strategy ⫻[/color][/b] Amara could outsmart damn near anybody in a chess game, and also come up with some clever tricks in a more practical situation. She can look at evidence of past actions taken by someone, and use those to predict how they’ll act in the future. [b][color=789CAA]Slippery ⫻[/color][/b] Go ahead, just try and keep her contained. Even without her phantoms, Amara has a knack for getting out of places she’s not meant to get out of. If you tie her wrists with a bunch of rope, she’ll just dislocate her wrists to slip them free. [b][color=789CAA]Multilingual ⫻[/color][/b] Amara can speak French, Spanish, Korean, and a bit of Russian. She’s working on that last one. [b][color=789CAA]Handy ⫻[/color][/b] Amara happens to know how to fix a lot of things, which comes naturally since she owns her own place. Busted light switch? Easy. Busted floorboards? Sure. Busted sink pipes? Bitch, please. [/sub][/hider] [/cell][cell][sub][b][color=789CAA]Appearance[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"Ladies."[/i] [indent] Amara typically dresses for comfort, wearing wool cardigans and sweatpants 24/7 and keeping her hair permanently buzzed down short. All of her clothes are usually old, as she doesn’t like to throw anything out unless it doesn’t fit her anymore. Amara has a slim and athletic build, thanks to her years as an active agent of the PRA. She only shows off when she has something to gain, but she has plenty of visible muscle under those clothes, enough to imply that she occasionally hits the gym. She also usually wears a pair of gold earrings when not “on the job,” which doesn’t mean much these days. [/indent] [/cell][/row][/table][sub][b] [color=789CAA]Psychology[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"Get over here, so I can kick your ass."[/i] [INDENT][b][color=789CAA]MAIN GOAL ⫻[/color][/b] Amara doesn’t have a goal, currently. She’s at a point in her life where she’s not sure what she should be doing, let alone what she [i]wants[/i] to be doing. What she wants out of life itself, however, is to have a purpose that fulfills her. So far, she hasn’t found it. [color=789CAA][b]PHILOSOPHY ⫻[/b][/color] Take it a day at a time, get through it and look out for one another. Amara believes in toughing things out and that nothing worth doing is ever easy. Amara wholeheartedly believes in punching up when it counts, on behalf of the ones who can’t. As far as she’s aware, every other Amara shares her outlook on life to some extent. [color=789CAA][b]SECRETS ⫻[/b][/color] There are some things Amara takes pride in, and others she does not. Most of the things she isn’t proud of were done during her PRA days. She did good as an agent, but some things keep her up at night. Amara doesn’t like to talk about just how high up the chain she found herself before quitting. Of course, anyone with the badge and a bit of clearance could easily dig it all up. [color=789CAA][b]SEXUALITY ⫻[/b][/color] Lesbian [color=789CAA][b]FEARS ⫻[/b][/color] Amara is afraid of dying in obscurity. Dying itself doesn’t scare her, but she wants to die in peace, when people would miss her. [color=789CAA][b]REPUTATION IN OLD COVEN ⫻[/b][/color] Amara was fun to be around. She knew when to get serious, and knew when to be easygoing and enjoy life. From time to time, she may have been a bit too tough for others to tolerate, but she always made it up to them in the end. Her chill demeanor certainly helped others keep their spirits reasonably high, especially when the death toll got worse. [color=789CAA][b]ROLE IN THE BATTLE AGAINST THE STYGIAN SNAKE ⫻[/b][/color] Back in the day, Amara was a mix of the commander and the general. She’d spend two or three days plotting out battle plans like a chess grandmaster with the other intellectual members. And then she’d spend the next week executing them and being a powerhouse on the battlefield. Her phantoms protected the injured and got them to safety, shot up apparitions like it was open season and took blows for others that would kill the living. [color=789CAA][b]FLAWS ⫻[/b][/color] Everyone has their reasons for fighting. Some take up arms for an idea, others fight and die for the people they love. But Amara is the exception. She doesn't have anything grounding her, nothing to feel conviction for. She doesn't know what the hell she's doing anymore, and it's not easy to change that. [/INDENT] [sub][b][color=789CAA]Backstory[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"They don’t call me Legion anymore, let’s keep it that way"[/i] [indent] The earliest memories Amara has are not bonding with her mother and father, learning to walk for the first time, or even learning to speak her first words. Though she [i]has[/i] those memories just like anyone else, Amara first remembers seeing herself. All of the countless trillion versions of herself, stretching across a boundless field overlooked by a castle. Its presence was like the bedrock of everything in the scope of existence to her young mind, and she saw it [i]every single night,[/i] long before she had the words to even understand it. By the time she was 12, she began to really grasp this. Her parents never understood it to be anything more than just a child's active imagination whenever she'd bring it up, but the paranormal opened itself up to her at a time before most Adepts were taught about what magic itself even is. At an age where the children of paranormal families were learning how Lux and individuals spells behaved, Amara was learning about the Army of One and the All-Verse's strange nature. At an age where paranormal teenagers were learning the fine nuances of magic, Amara was being trained, in secret, by her long-dead counterparts to fight. In her dreams, she saw the counterparts of herself that had lived longer and would tell her of the things they all faced. Amara was essentially raised by an Apparition to be a soldier, behind the backs of the Blind, and fight for the causes that she considered worth her efforts. And then, the Snake happened. Amara met a girl at school named Bianca, who happened to rope her into the antics of the Sycamore Tree Coven, along with a few other antics between her and her girlfriend. (Sometimes literally between them.) Everyone has their own story to tell about how the battle went down, and their own personal traumas. But Amara? She endured it all, never allowing herself to feel the pain because it wasn't what she was trained to do. On the battlefield, her phantoms stepped through reality by the dozens, enough to match to tide of apparitions summoned by the world-ending threat. She took up the responsibility to make battle plans when others wouldn't, and personally oversaw the rescue of many friends. It wasn't all perfect, even if she got to relax sometimes like the others, but they all pulled through. To many of the Coven's members, it was all just temporary. They came together to fight, but not to last. Everyone fell apart, and Amara's role in that was more to keep the peace and help everyone fall apart gently. It wasn't long until everyone packed up and left. Amara made sure to keep contact with the friends she made, and told them to call her if something crazy happened again. She left to get her life in order, and to decide what she wanted out of it. She didn’t go to college or find a girl to settle down with, but the next few years of her life were still the most eventful ever. Amara never swore off her magic, she would use it occasionally when it was convenient. A phantom would hold a wrench while she fixed her car on the side of the road, or help her carry things indoors when no one was looking. Or at least, no one she noticed. She found herself crossing paths with the PRA, an agency dedicated to keeping the peace and protecting the Blind from magic. This resonated with Amara, and so she sought them out more intensely, eventually getting a chance to have a proper conversation with them. She explained how she had a desire to protect others from the dangers of magic and had her own experience in doing that very thing. So she trained, and trained, and trained some more, until she became a full agent. Thanks to Amara’s particular brand of magic, she was put on dozens of missions in multiple roles. She would run overwatch during stakeouts while her phantoms did ground patrol, direct gunfight in eliminations, and evacuations when no one else was available. It was rough, but Amara found it fulfilling, so she kept climbing. Eight years in the PRA turned her into a senior agent. But after climbing the ladder so long, after getting involved in so much of the broader operations, Amara’s appreciation for her line of work had faded. At a higher level, the PRA were just like mundane cops, more concerned for stamping everything out and disregarding others to make ends meet. All too often she’d argue with her superiors about the right course of action, about whether or not a cursed Blind should be killed for everyone’s sake or whether or not an adept who was just defending themselves should be put away for life. Little things added up, and the PRA’s absolute lack of accountability meant she could only take things up with internal affairs, who never gave a shit. Amara found herself at a fork in the road. The PRA weren’t the good guys to her anymore, just a bunch of heartless pricks. So one day, after her missions became shittier and shittier, she tossed her badge in her boss’s face. Amara walked out and quit, but she doesn’t know what she’s doing anymore. Just like years ago, she was winless again. Amara settled down somewhere, bought a house and decided to take a break from things while she got her life together. Months later, she got a call from Auri, telling her about the murders. Amara was hesitant at first, and only told Auri she would consider coming back. But after a week or two to think about it and get her things into a suitcase, she’s coming home. [/indent] [sub][b][color=789CAA]Abstraction[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"We never fight alone."[/i] [indent][color=789CAA][b]TYPE ⫻[/b][/color] Aberration, Adjoined [color=789CAA][b]ABSTRACTION ⫻[/b][/color] Army of One [color=789CAA][b]ABSTRACTION DESCRIPTION ⫻[/b][/color] The All-Verse is a theoretically infinite place, with counterparts of every single person spanning across them. In one of these universes, a counterpart of Amara died, and became the progenitor of the Army of One. Amara bonds with other version of herself from across realities, allowing all of them to work together. The Army of One consists of every single dead counterpart of Amara in all of existence, and has the ability to bond with the living, who will then join the collective in death themselves. Every Amara across the All-Verse shares a few universal constants: They protect others, show no fear in the face of disaster, and die for what they believe in. Living and dead Amaras are separated into two categories for convenience, soldiers and phantoms respectively. This distinction is important to make, since there are quite literally [i]billions[/i] of each. As one of the soldiers, the Amara King who occupies Shimmer is connected to the Army of One, and can call on the phantoms to assist her however she may need it. This includes summoning them in a fight, having extra hands for moving things, or managing information. Phantoms can appear at her location the moment they think she needs assistance, and will defer to the living soldiers for direction if they aren't sure what to do. Amara has a numbers advantage up her sleeve at every opportunity, and can always outsource her problem to someone else if she can't solve it herself. Phantoms are essentially magical foot soldiers. They are fully sentient and sapient, and follow Amara’s orders to the best of their ability. Their strengths lie in using numbers and strategy to solve problems. Where some can throw giant fireballs at their enemies or teleport across the country in seconds, Amara and her phantoms work to execute strategies and methodically come out ahead like a game of chess. Her phantoms are capable of using guns, and fighting with all the other skills that Amara herself has, since they are quite literally her. [color=789CAA][b]Limits ⫻[/b][/color] The Army of One is numerous beyond comprehension, but so is the All-Verse itself. So, to avoid leaving any one universe without backup, every living soldier is only able to call on up to five phantoms at a time. This isn’t a matter of the abstraction’s strength, but is a deliberate decision made by the collective. Therefore, power-boosting abstractions can’t make more phantoms appear. It would take a particularly extreme crisis for an exception to be made, such as the Stygian Snake waking up again. Also, the phantoms being technically undead doesn’t do anything for their toughness. A solid shot from a gun would be enough to phase a phantom out of reality for a while. This doesn’t kill them, but it does take them out of consideration. Phantoms always emerge from a short distance around Amara, which is important because if one is sent deep into enemy territory, another can’t simply take its place right on the spot after someone shoots them. [color=789CAA][b]WEAKNESSES ⫻[/b][/color] [/INDENT] [sup][color=789CAA][b] Other[/b][/color][/sup] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"I’ve seen some crazy shit, but I’ve never seen shit like this before. A serial killer? I got this.."[/i] [indent]Anyyyything else?[/INDENT] [/hider] [/quote] Accepted. [quote][color=789CAA][b]WEAKNESSES ⫻[/b][/color] Through the connection that she innately has with all of her counterparts comes with some identity issues. By summoning her Phantoms, she loses some of her memories, which are replaced with the memories of the dead versions of her, which could be something like an event that occurred minutes ago or a treasured memory of hers. She cannot get them back without external help and will eventually lose herself to the Army of One. Through this shared connection, the Army of One shares injuries, and any injuries her phantasms receive will also appear in Amara.[/quote]