[quote=@Star Cat] I would say Warhammer style power armor is too damned much. Fallout style could work with limited power/limited cooling. As for being too OP for baddies...Given the horror elements, I don't think power armor will protect anyone from a mental breakdown; it could add to the horror of being claustrophobic and being trapped in a tin can. Or the feeling of bugs crawling around inside all over one's body and no way to get out in time before they feast on the flesh. This of course relies on our final definition of power armor. Is it a fully armored suit larger than the average soldier? Or are we looking at something like Elysium exoskel-type? Power armor can have a place, but tastefully. The exo-frames add the ability of more strength and carry cap, but leaving the user exposed and squishy is a good compromise. This also more relies on the baddies. Is it eldritch horrors beyond mental comprehension? Is it [i]Buggins?[/i] Biological warfare projects gone awry? Did the scientists open a portal to hell? is there a need to weigh 900 pounds and one-arm a Browning LMG? Or would it be more practical to get the Rainbow OP's team up in night-vision and plate carriers? Personally, I just like to start lickin' to see how many licks it takes to get to the gooey good center. [/quote] You get the tag in the actual OOC thread?