Frank spoke more about his plan, giving greater detail. In the end, Allison told him she was still unsure. As they were putting Robert down for the night, though, she told him the plan was a go. She asked more about Victor, to which Frank successfully argued his inclusion. Then, Allison stepped close to Frank, telling him, "I haven't been with a man in a long time. If you thought you'd want to be with me..." Frank didn't have to [i]think[/i] about whether he'd want to [i]be with[/i] Allison; he'd decided the answer to that question was a most [i]definite[/i] yes clear back when she'd first asked if he wanted to stay on. He'd chastised himself for thinking about fucking Allison barely 24 hours after his partner of several months had been shot to death. But Frank had saw no reason why he couldn't continue to mourn for Jennifer after he'd fucked Allison. It wasn't as if he was cheating on her. "I want to be with you, Allison," he whispered in response, moving closer to press his lips to hers while his hands found her hips. The kiss was soft but erotic, the tips of their tongues dancing with one another. When they [i]disengaged[/i], Frank whispered, "I need to shower. Care to join me?"