"If it continues to heal well, you should be able to move like normal. So far all seems to be fine. Adding some of my power is helping your body repair the worst. You may feel a bit exhausted with your body wanting to heal first and foremost. Spend the next two days resting. I will come to your quarters to apply this again this evening and all of tomorrow." Orion explains to Scarlet. It was just how the body and his power worked. The body did the work. He gives it a boost with medicine and his abilities. Carth watched Ash as she flipped through the book, the reactions she made. He was preparing for what may happen. When she stopped in her tracks when when he had slowed down to get behind her. Observing Ash intently, his sight noticed she had made no sign to breath. Carefully placed a hand on her shoulder and gave a small squeeze. He hoped that was jarr her from her trance. "Ash? What's the matter?" He asks.