By the time Shun woke, Duncan and Asahi were long gone on their own adventure. Shun didn't think too much as it was their own decision to leave the camp by themselves. She also wasn't the one who could criticize their situation, since she did the same thing yesterday. From what she gathered, other than Ayana, no one noticed her disappearance nor seemed to care that much. Such was the life of an outlier. Shun stretched her limbs and walked over to eat some of the breakfast that had been prepared. They were in a good situation, but who knew how long that would last. Savoring the last of the breakfast, Shun contemplated on what she could do for today. She wasn't particularly interested in interacting with her classmates, and she didn't want to sit still. "I'll patrol the area, get a walk-in." Shun said as she up and left the area. The forest was a serene and quiet, yet could be awfully deadly. Shun wondered if the deer she had seen earlier would appear back to take a sip from the lake. Hopefully, it didn't and hopefully it didn't bring any friends. The last thing she wanted right now was to get into a brawl. Shun was still savoring the glory from her last fight.