Damien glanced over to him with a calm, neutral expression before he nodded. "The marked rooms are my rooms. My office and my room." He said calmly, "If you need to find me, you're free to knock on the doors, or you can ask Vez to fetch me if I don't answer." He said with a small smile. He, himself, seemed to also ignore the door at the end of the hall. The sound of a small bell dangling echoed around as Damien seemed to look towards the lounge. "Ah, speaking of." Damien said as he moved to kneel down and pick up a small, soft blue creature. The creature in his arms was the size and shape of a domestic cat, but with short blue fur; bright yellow eyes and a pair of small, folded up bird-wings. "This is Vez." He said softly, "She's... Basically my security system in a way, but she's also a friend." Vez watched Jeremiah gently, her tail swaying softly- giving off the faint sound of a bell again. She moved to groom her front paws quietly. "She will stay out of your way of course, she knows how to act." He finished that sentence before his brain almost tacked on, "around humans."