[hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180805/88f4ea53271bcf1d43d1efbb1a7e2dda.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180925/4414d6099bc94c9c0204daacdd923ae7.png[/img][hr][@Morose][@Nallore][@KazAlkemi][@Kirah][@PatientBean][@Master EffeX][@Trainerblue192][/center][hr][hr] They were out of time, Bethany wasn't able to get the remaining people with her own shadow travel powers, and there wasn't any more time to get anyone else. Mary stepped off the Blackbird, and looked at those still around before fire started swirling and it went right through the walls, seemingly, but that was about it. There was a loud explosion that shook everything, and the entire hanger around them started to rumble and shake. There were a few windows of sorts in the hanger, so they would all be able to see what was going on outside, at least a little bit. They'd be able to see metal getting flung off and away, mixtures of that along with every so often fire bursting past. Somehow, by some miracle. They're little life boat was seemingly able to hold together. Putting people on the Blackbird had mainly been in the event that the hanger completely was obliterated, but given the fact that they were somehow managing to keep it together was a miracle. There was still the slight issue of how to get the thing back to Earth without fully crashing. They likely were going to have to use the Blackbird to ferry people from the metal structure once they got there, but as of right now, those holding it together were likely going to have to work together to move it that way. Magneto actually would probably be doing most of the heavy lifting with that part considering his powers. He seemed to figure that out as he maneuvered the structure around so they could more easily see where they were sort of steering, and he started moving the structure towards Earth again. There was so much debris and all from the remains of the asteroid floating along now by their small life boat. Where the base had been was completely gone, save for the debris field, without that you would never have known that it had been there in the first place. It would likely take a while to get back to Earth, but that definitely was better than the alternative for what could have happened otherwise. That could have ended worse, but that wouldn't do much to fix the fact that no matter how hard they had tried, they couldn't fully save everyone. [hr][hr][center][h3]A week later[/h3][/center][hr][hr] It was a bit of a sort of dreary day, sort of fitting for where it was after all. A small, older cemetery in France that was hidden away a bit. It wasn't too common for there to be visitors in the area, at least not right now, which is one of the many reasons she knew exactly who would be one of the few people to actually go there, aside from the caretakers for the place. Didn't take long to find him, and she didn't say anything at first, a hood pulled up over her head as she walked up, but kept her distance slightly, knowing fully well what the person she was approaching was capable of. Bennet du Paris paused in his contemplations, in his prayer. His beloved's grave had decayed over the centuries, his lover and comrade in arms just dust beneath his feet. He had not been a mutant, after all - he did not bear the cross in his genes, the X. Bennet had gone somewhere that he could not follow, a place where no human could follow. And yet the wound was fresh, the grief as if he had lost him just yesterday, rather than centuries ago. "I would remind you that this is a place of mourning," Bennet said softly, aware of his company. "A sacred place. If you are here to kill me, then know that the eyes of my Lord is upon you here." "Who said that I was going to kill you? That sort of thing, even I know that's a bit of a low blow to do it in a place like this," she responded, giving him a bit of a smile as she walked over towards him. "That's not why I'm here anyway." He tilted his head, peering down at her. "Then speak, child." "I actually was wondering if you might potentially help me with something, choice is entirely up to you on whether or not you are even mildly interested in the idea. Just need to know what you answer is sooner rather than later, sorry for the rush."