[center][h1][b]Iraleth Kyrios[/b][/h1][/center] Astra help her, she was surrounded by sociopaths. Iraleth glowered in general as she made to help Davil up, draping one of his arms across her shoulders. A withering glare was shot the professor's way. [b]"If it's all the same, Professor, I'll leave that to trained professionals."[/b] She spat as she started escorting Davil out, shooting Otis a curt nod along the way. Iraleth had no intention of actually aiding him with recording Davil's words, of course. [b]"Come along then, Davil. It won't be far."[/b] Of course she'd known where the clinic was. She was just there yesterday. It didn't matter that the trip would make her likely late to the attunement ceremony. What kind of horrendous, self-absorbed scumbag would just leave a traumatized person without aid solely to not be late to an assembly of all things? Alright, well, Iraleth could name several people from the past day that could meet that category. It didn't mean she was going to be one of them. Iraleth left Davil at the clinic with a brief explanation to the doctor of what exactly had happened to him before leaving. If she hurried, there was probably enough time to head from the clinic to the Leyline Attunement Zone at a brisk pace to either be just barely in time or fashionably late by a small amount.