"It's not a good idea," he told her, once she stole her kiss, "especially if you become large with a baby without having had the man in your bed recently." But there was a terror there -- his own response, which he set about ruthlessly repressing. Of a certainty, the biological imperative was strong, but also of a certainty was the self-preservational instinct that whispered 'not yet' in his mind's ear. Just as clearly, he knew he was chained to this place and so was she, chained to her father, one king, and her husband, another. There was no escape from that. But surrounded by the eyes and ears, they had to move carefully. He stepped back, broke the embrace, even. "We can't do that, not now, not with the king watching and not with his people entrenched here. If we did that, I would be killed, you would be killed, the child would certainly be killed." It was so clear, really, standing there in the royal chambers, surrounded by all the finery. "What we can do is start by bribing the servants and turning them into our people, rather than his. Then we can move more freely...do more." He told her, with a degree of ruthless certainty in his voice.