This almost felt like a whirlwind to Neil, he wondered how concussed Sayeeda must feel. The landscape was trully idyllic, the temperature modestly warm, and the flowery scent of the outer gardens refreshing. He fancied he might have even smelled it prior, as if they had bottled up the smell and put a light fragrance in the air car. Neil knew Sayeeda was the center of attention, but somehow he felt put on the spot in some measure. He had been 'the boyfriend' before, and often times that brought more glares than happy smiles, and on this occasion, somehow he almost missed the scowls. At least then he could share Junebug's opinion, but now he felt stuck between being fancied over like an object to being secretly scrutinized. Of course the pilot didn't show it. He smiled with Taya and gave quiet chuckles, and he did not expect her mother to compliment him so highly, nor given the title of 'master' by her father. Well, there were worse problems to have. "Ah, yeah. Well Junebug-" Neil started, but saw the look of incredulity twist her father's face. "Sorry, Sayeeda and I met a few years ago on Hodierna, in the Volantis system." "Junebug?" Her mother piped in, shimmying her way to the table to move aside a small assortment of papers and a plate that looked unused but ill fitting for a dinner. "Sayeeda, do you go by another name?" "Just a call sign for the business. We work in logistics." Neil explained with perfect nonchalance. "We take contracts, haul goods across the galaxy. It's safe, but the days are long." Neil was surprised he did not hear Taya laugh at the half-lie. "She always did want to play the soldier," Miranda said, not deigning to look up as she helped her mother clear the table. Neil noticed Sayeeda cast a look at her sister, but he decided not to notice the atmosphere in the room shift slightly. Miranda's husband placed his hands on her shoulders, whispering something about their daughter to her. She nodded and spoke back softly. "So that's how you two met? Well you're a small crew, don't mind me saying. Sayeeda could always pull her weight though." Ibram said, beaming with pride. He was clearly pleased she was home, and Neil could tell at least he would be a safe haven from anything that might explode on this visit. "And you two just hit it off?" Neil laughed, draping an arm over the back of a chair as he reminisced. Everyone always marveled at his easy manner and charming, addicting smile. Luckily it came easily, and her father gave a knowing chuckle. Farah looked fascinated, however. "Oh did she put you through the ringer? I can't imagine her with...well, let's just say it's a surprise to see you." She breathed pleasantly. "Can I help?" Taya offered, her hands out to take a plate. Miranda pushed past her, shaking her head and giving a dismissive 'no thank you.' "I had my eye on her for awhile, but she played hard to get," Neil explained in what was perhaps the most concise retelling of the first year of their partnership in the entire galaxy. Sayeeda's mother seemed like she was placing a marker in the folder of her mind to ask Neil more about it later, in private. Neil was making a mental note to never be caught alone at the exact moment. He gave a shrug. "Luckily she realized how much of a catch I was and the rest is history."