[center][table][row][cell] [right][colour=red][b][colour=gold]ꁲ ꂵ ꁲ ꋊ ꂠ ꂑ ꋊ ꈼ[/colour][/b] [sub][sup]ꋖ ꂑ ꂵ ꈼ[/sup][/sub] [sup][colour=white]Day 1 [Night] [/colour][/sup] [sub][sup]꒒ ꂦ ꀯ ꁲ ꋖ ꂑ ꂦ ꋊ[/sup][/sub] [sup][colour=white]Lock and Key [Somerset][/colour][/sup] [sub][sup]ꌚ ꂦ ꐇ ꋊ ꂠ ꋖ ꌅ ꁲ ꀯ ꀗ[/sup][/sub] [sup][url=https://youtu.be/AAvkqq_AuNc?si=IDm9xL5kOzLE6lsC]♫[/url][/sup][/colour][/right] [/cell][cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/GoszZJq.png[/img][/cell][/row][/table][/center] Amandine found herself amidst a scene that felt oddly familiar, surrounded by a motley crew that could easily pass for a circus troupe. The presence of the massive, armoured beast-like figure next to her only added to the surreal atmosphere. In her mind's eye, she couldn't help but envision Maltar donning a top hat and large hoop, commanding the beast to perform tricks, with Gus playing the role of the bumbling clown, Budi as an exhibit, and Torsten as the imposing bouncer. Dorian seemed like the perfect ringmaster, and Faline, with her air of elegance, fit the role of the glamorous assistant seamlessly. As for herself, she resignedly joked that she could serve snacks, envisioning herself selling popcorn to the audience. However, Amandine's amusement quickly faded when she realized that the plan involved raiding the ruins of her ancestors. It struck her as a simplistic solution to a complex problem, one that seemed to prioritize disturbing the dead over finding more practical solutions. [colour=red]"Isn't it ironic,"[/colour] she remarked dryly, [colour=red]"that our kingdom's go-to solution for every problem seems to involve disturbing the spirits of the past and antagonizing the living?"[/colour] With a touch of sarcasm, she suggested, [colour=red]"If we're in dire need of Dragonian artefacts, why not pay a visit to the Emperor's treasure vault instead of rummaging through ancient ruins? We might have better luck finding what we need there."[/colour] Her suggestion hung in the air, [colour=red]"The Dorado tribe supposedly possessed a stone that could turn lead into gold. It's likely sitting right there in the vault."[/colour] she shrugged, expecting to be met with mostly indifferent expressions from her companions. Setting aside her reservations, Amandine approached the book laid out on the table, flipping through its pages to gain a clearer understanding of the task they were signing up for. [hr][hr]