Hey, this looks interesting! I've got a couple characters I've played before who'd fit right in, or I could make up someone new. Why don't you tell me more about what you're looking for in a character and if there are any themes you'd like to explore? I, myself, have a strong affinity for characters of different backgrounds, be they rooted in culture or socioeconomic class or religion or just upbringing, so I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for some sort of odd couple pairing like that. Speaking of couples, were you picturing their relationship moving in a romantic direction? When it comes to playing multiple characters, I actually consider that one of my strong points. For the past three-going-on-four years, I've been writing for a video game (just a hobby thing, nothing commercial), and we ended up with over fifty voiced roles by the end of it. I tried to give all of them well-realized personalities, and I think I mostly succeeded, even for the random one-off bit parts. I can send you some samples if you're curious. I'm certainly open to pursuing the idea as you originally described it, backpacking throughout Europe or something, but I'd also be open to putting a bit of a fantastical spin on it. Maybe this is the near future or an alternate history, or some kind of fantasy world (I have an idea in this space that might appeal to you); maybe we could go really all-out and do some kind of dimension-hopping premise. Alternatively, if you're in the mood for exploration, I do have a parallel world that I'm quite fond of - it's Earth-like, and there's nothing supernatural about it, but all the countries and cultures and histories are different - that we could do something with, although that does leave open a lot of questions, like who visits who's world and how. These are all just different options, and at the end of the day, I'm totally down to stick with the real world, too. I'm generally a pretty open-minded person :)