[hider=Saskia A. Otten] [CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/KYBLbFR.png[/img] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6rn_Q8n5EY [/youtube][/CENTER] [i]"I’ve already bled to death once, what’s another couple of times? Hey, wait, it’s a joke, Ella, stop crying-"[/i] [table][row][/row][row][cell] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/8iccSe5.jpeg[/img] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [sub][color=DC143C]Saskia Anneke Otten[/color] [color=DC143C]They/She[/color] [b]|[/b] [color=DC143C] 26[/color] [b]|[/b] [color=DC143C]Dutch-American[/color] [b]|[/b] [color=DC143C]5’1”[/color] [b]|[/b] [color=DC143C]103lbs [/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [color=DC143C]Inscrutable[/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [color=DC143C]Skills & Talents[/color][/sub] [i]"Be careful. You wouldn’t want my knife to slip and cut your carotid artery, would you?."[/i] [sup]___________________________________[/sup][/center][hider=] [sub][color=DC143C][b]Dark Humour ⫻[/b][/color] Saskia would count their dark humour as a talent. When used at the right time, their sarcastic and morbid jokes can be quite funny. They’re less talented at actually using them at the right time. [color=DC143C][b]Human Biology ⫻[/b][/color] Saskia has an in depth understanding of the human body and anatomy, sometimes to a disturbing degree. They know a lot about the best ways to kill a person and far too much about how quickly someone will bleed out depending where you cut them. Their interest in it is quite morbid. It’s useful with their abstraction, of course, allowing them to cut places that won’t cause them to bleed out. They use this knowledge in their spell development (along with anime inspiration). [color=DC143C][b]Singing & Guitar Playing ⫻[/b][/color] Saskia is a talented singer, along with having learned to play the guitar. They’re very good at both and want to make music in the future… Or at least, they wanted to. They tend to play more rock and metal music. [color=DC143C][b]Bone Collection & Identification ⫻[/b][/color] Another morbid hobby of Saskia’s, they spent a lot of their free time collecting bones of dead animals. Because of this they can identify what animal a lot of skeletons are of, and know how to take care of bones to make them last. [color=DC143C][b]Knife Use ⫻[/b][/color] While they’re not going to be winning any knife fights, Sakia is very talented at cutting things cleaning - whether its skin, or when cutting something up for cooking (which she’s not very good at). They’ve gotten very adept at using a knife. [color=DC143C][b]Sketching ⫻[/b][/color] Saskia mostly sketches for an animal bone diary she keeps, along with anatomical sketches. She's very good at human anatomy and drawing people as a result, but has no talent in shading or colouring. She tends to stick to pencil or pen sketches. [/sub] [/hider] [/cell][cell][sub][color=DC143C][b] Appearance[/b][/color][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"Don’t mention my height."[/i] [indent]Saskia is short and slim, often found with a deadpan expression. They’ve not got many curves to their body, flat just about everywhere - something that really doesn’t bother them at all. They’re fair skinned with blue eyes that look grey in certain lights. They have a smooth, diamond face shape. Saskia has shaggy, dyed blonde hair (naturally its brown) cut to fall just below their chin. It’s choppily layered and often covers up their ears and the side of their face. They tend not to do much with it, at most pushing it behind their ear so it’s off their face. Saskia has a long scar down their right thigh, where they cut themselves in a last desperate attempt to survive. They’re most commonly found with a grumpy looking expression, even though they really feel this way. Saskia wears a mixture of clothing, depending on how they’re feeling on the day. Most days they’ll dress quite androgynously, with baggy trousers and men’s tank tops or band t-shirts. They’ll add an undershirt, hoodie or sweater sometimes - and a dark brown leather jacket if really necessary. They prefer neutral tones or blacks. They’re slightly less emo than they were as a teenager, but still like to dress more in that style. They rarely wear any non grayscale colours, outside of jeans and the occasional red or brown. On the days they’re feeling more feminine they’ll mix things up a little with gothic skirts or the rare dress. Saskia enjoys adding accessories to their outfits - necklaces, rings and chains. They have two lobe piercings, and normally wear a stud earring in one and a ring in the other. They often wear platform boots to give them a boost in height, because they dislike being short. [/indent] [/cell][/row][/table][sub][color=DC143C][b] Psychology[/b][/color][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"Am I unhappy? No. I’m frowning? That’s just what my face looks like.”[/i] [INDENT][color=DC143C][b]MAIN GOAL ⫻[/b] [/color] Primarily to live again. After they get brought back to life, Saskia wants to start a rock band. Their ideal would be to make it into their career. [color=DC143C][b]PHILOSOPHY ⫻[/b] [/color] Saskia believes in freedom - for people to make their own choices, to express themselves and to love whatever they want to love. Whether this is boring and normal, or weird and dark. They believe that nobody should be forced down a path they don’t want or into something they dislike. You should pursue your own dreams rather than those of someone else. They also believe you have to accept that life is shit sometimes, and embrace that - not necessarily through positivity, but it’s easier to deal with if you expect things to be bad sometimes. [color=DC143C][b]SECRETS ⫻[/b] [/color] While not a secret to friends, Saskia kept their gender identity secret to their parents. They knew they wouldn’t take it well, so they haven’t come out. They’ve also been hiding a longterm crush on their closest friend Ella - very, very well (it helps that Ella’s pretty oblivious too). They’re also hiding just how much their own death traumatised them, because they don't want to worry their friends when they’ve experienced similar. [color=DC143C][b]SEXUALITY ⫻[/b][/color] Pansexual with a preference for women. While Saskia’s had a longtime crush on their friend Ella, they’ve had a couple of others at the same time and is fairly certain they’re polyamorous. [color=DC143C][b]FEARS ⫻[/b] [/color] Saskia fears being constrained, and never getting to live the life they want to - doubly so now they might not even get a life at all. They also have claustrophobia and get incredibly panicked in closed spaces, adding to their fear of being trapped. They fear that they’ll never actually be good enough for the life they want to live or for anyone in their life, just like they weren’t good enough for their parents. They fear dying again much more than they’d like to admit. But most of all she fears losing Ella and having to see her dead body again. [color=DC143C][b]REPUTATION IN OLD COVEN ⫻[/b] [/color] Saskia’s overall reputation in the coven was negative. Unlike some of the other weirder members they didn’t have friendliness or positivity to make up for their dark sense of humour and grim interests. Plus, their abstraction was solely based in gross body manipulation. Most people outside of a small group didn’t particularly get on with them, and they were mostly seen as a tagalong of Ella. [color=DC143C][b]ROLE IN THE BATTLE AGAINST THE STYGIAN SNAKE ⫻[/b] [/color] Saskia acted as one of the many front end fighters. While using their abstraction was always risky it was strong, allowing her to fight off many apparitions with only one or two others. Them and Ella often worked together to sweep through groups of apparitions and keep the other strong groups safe while fighting the snake. [color=DC143C][b]FLAWS ⫻[/b][/color] Saskia often says the wrong thing at the wrong time. They don’t know when to tone down their dark humour, whether making an edgy joke when they shouldn’t or just straight up upsetting others. They’re quite blunt as well, not really holding back on her opinions of others. Saskia isn’t the best socially. They struggle with understanding other people and aren’t the best at reading social cues. If someone doesn’t tell them what they’re feeling they won’t know, and they can be quite insensitive. Also Saskia themself is very difficult to read - they often have a ‘resting bitch face’, but not on purpose. They just aren't very expressive and their neutral expression appears grumpy to other people. Beyond their actual facial expressions, they're very bad at expressing their feelings in words too. They’re just not particularly emotional either. Saskia has some confidence issues thanks to their parents - mainly not truly believing they’re worthy of their friends or of success. She also has very little qualms about hurting or killing people, often in increasingly disturbing methods. Often she thinks about what she'll do to her enemies, without any guilt or discomfort on her part. She's lacking in empathy somewhat, beyond those she views as friends. [/INDENT] [sub][color=DC143C][b] Backstory[/b][/color][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"I won’t let her die again."[/i] [indent]Saskia was born the only child of two Dutch immigrants. Their mother was a teacher while their father worked in finance. They had high hopes for their only child - hopes they hadn’t been able to fulfil thanks to having to make a life for themselves in a new country. From the day Saskia was born, their entire life had been planned out. They would get the best grades through school, go to the best schools they could afford and get a well paying, high status job such as being a lawyer or a doctor. This wasn’t so bad when they were younger. Saskia was a bright kid with a natural interest in the human body, so they excelled in at least biology. They also loved reading, often having their nose stuck in a book far too violent for someone of their age. But as they grew up those expectations got more and more difficult to meet. They started to struggle in subjects they had no interest in - which was most of them - and their grades started slipping. This resulted in their parents getting harsher and more controlling. Saskia’s only escape was their books and the heavy music they liked to listen to. They had very few friends at school and wouldn’t be allowed to hang out with them once school was done either. Most of their life was spent reading and studying. They always felt trapped - both in the life that their parents wanted for them and the gender roles pushed on them. This only grew worse with puberty. Once they reached middle school Saskia began getting bullied for their strange hobbies - most other kids weren’t reading intense horror novels or picking up the bones of dead animals at the side of the street. This just led Saskia to believe that they didn’t need other people. Their bullies didn’t keep it up for long, either, since they never got a reaction out of Saskia… which of course, they were taunted for as well. Instead they just ended up isolated. Then they started highschool and met Ella Brooks. Ella was Saskia’s first friend and introduced them not only to two more friends, but also anime. It was a whole new media for Saskia to explore - filled with all sorts of edgy ones they enjoyed, and more mixed ones they could watch with their new friend. Thanks to Ella, the light in their life, Saskia began to push back against their parents. They snuck out of their house to hang out with friends and started to experiment with their gender - going with only they pronouns at first, before getting more comfortable in still being aligned with femininity. Ella supported them through all of this. It was on an unapproved trip to the arcade with Ella and their two other friends that they first experienced the Stygian Snake’s terror. Their two other friends were enthralled and Saskia kindled, using the blood from a cut their friend had given them to fight her off and get away along with Ella. They ran into Sycamore Tree members and decided to join… Well Ella did, and Saskia followed her. Using their favourite anime and love of anatomy, Saskia began to develop blood spells and later bone based ones that allowed them to be on the frontlines fighting the Stygian Snake and its apparitions. They were constantly pushing themselves to get better and were almost always found with Ella on the front lines, covering each other's backs. Saskia was also reluctantly a member of the ‘Magical Girl’ group - reluctant in that they didn’t really fit the cutesy aspect, and weren’t really a girl. But then the worst happened. In the week leading up to the Eclipse they were spread thin, and Ella went off to fight a group of apparitions by herself. Saskia was caught up fighting apparitions herself and by the time they were able to catch up… it was too late. All that was left was Ella’s mauled body. After that, Saskia was a shell of their former self. They barely talked to anyone and just threw themselves into the fights, pushing themselves further and further. On the day before the Eclipse, when Drake Blackmore’s recklessness led them into a fight against the Stygian Snake they weren’t prepared for. Saskia was trapped by a large group of apparitions and completely separated from the rest of the coven. They managed to fight them all off, but used too much blood in their desperation to win and succumbed to their wounds, bleeding to death. The next thing they knew, they were resurrected by the Hound along with Ella and Lisa. Saskia was super suspicious of him, but he said that they could return to their previous life if they became his “Agents of Death” and completed some missions for him. So they decided to follow his orders for now. Plus, Agents of Death is a much more fitting name than Magical Girls. [/indent] [sub][color=DC143C][b] Paranormal-Abilities[/b][/color][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"... Do I have to? Alright, fine… Magical Girl Haima reporting for duty."[/i] [indent][color=DC143C][b]TYPE ⫻[/b][/color] Adept [color=DC143C][b]ABSTRACTION ⫻[/b][/color] [i]Green Lux.[/i] Channeler: [url=https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/ylgAAOSwaspe38nM/s-l1200.webp]a black leather Death Note bracelet[/url] [color=DC143C][b]ABSTRACTION DESCRIPTION ⫻[/b][/color] Inspired by all the edgy anime they watch, Saskia has developed spells for blood and bone manipulation. The first is her primary and strongest group of spells, with the latter developed later on. [indent][color=DC143C][b]THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM ⫻[/b][/color] Saskia’s primary system of spells, which mainly focuses around controlling her own blood. Saskia has to have access to her blood to use this power via some kind of wound which she normally makes herself. [indent][color=DC143C][b]Blood Blade ⫻[/b][/color] Saskia forms a long, sharp blade on the top of each of their hands. She can choose how long this blade is within reason. It’s slightly curved, and it formed from her blood from an open wound. It’s incredibly sharp and can cut through materials such as steel, and easily cuts through flesh like an incredibly sharp sword. [color=DC143C][b]Blood Tentacle ⫻[/b][/color] Using more blood than the blood blade, Saskia can create a long tentacle made out of blood from her back. This has varying uses. It has a longer range, and can deal blunt damage by hitting things or piercing damage with the tip. She can also use it to pull her up places, or give her a boost from underneath. [color=DC143C][b]Blood Bullet ⫻[/b][/color] Saskia forms essentially a bullet of blood at her fingertips or in the palm of her hand, and shoots it towards a target. This moves at an incredibly fast speed, piercing flesh just like a real bullet would. [color=DC143C][b]Blood Armour ⫻[/b][/color] Saskia can use her blood to form a protective layer around her body. This is a thin layer of blood that’s hardened, and more resistant to attacks. She can either form it around specific body parts, or all of her. This is strong enough to block most light weapon attacks and protect against paranormal attacks. However it uses a lot of blood, and she risks blood loss very quickly if she uses it in combination with any of her other blood based spells. [color=DC143C][b]Blood Regeneration ⫻[/b][/color] a spell Saskia developed to be able to use their blood control spells without passing out, it allows them to regenerate her own blood at a faster level than normal. Without it, she would be dizzy from just using their blood blade and probably pass out from making anything larger. It doesn't protect them from major blood loss, it only slightly lessens the effect of it and allows them to use their blood control spells without instantly running out of blood. [color=DC143C][b]Blood Return ⫻[/b][/color] Saskia returns any undamaged blood out of her body, that’s still attached to her, back inside her body and clots over the wound. She can also use this to quickly clot any wounds she doesn’t need for her spells, preventing blood loss. [/indent] [color=DC143C][b]THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM ⫻[/b][/color] A series of spells currently focused on bone growth and manipulation. Saskia plans to eventually go into muscle manipulation as well, but has yet to develop any spells for it. [indent][color=DC143C][b]Bone Spikes ⫻[/b][/color] Saskia can generate sharp, spike like bones from anywhere on her body. She can generate two spikes at a time. The process is instantaneous, she can choose to grow and retract them at will. These spikes are very sharp at the end and blunt otherwise. They can be used offensively as weapons, or used as a surprise attack. [color=DC143C][b]Bone Lightening ⫻[/b][/color] Saskia manipulates her own bones to make them hollow, thus making her much lighter and faster. This increases her speed and agility, with the downside of making her physically weaker and her bones frailer. [color=DC143C][b]Bone Breaking ⫻[/b][/color] A gross spell that Saskia tends not to use because people (Ella specifically) hate it, but Saskia can forcibly break her own bones. This allows her to get through spaces she shouldn’t be able to. She can choose the specific bone she wants to break and break multiple at a time. [color=DC143C][b]Bone Regeneration⫻[/b][/color] Saskia can heal and regenerate bones much faster than normal. A broken bone is nothing to her, she can heal from it in a matter of minutes. [/indent] [color=DC143C][b]LIMITS ⫻[/b][/color] [indent][color=DC143C][b]THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM ⫻[/b][/color] The main limit of all these spells is the amount of blood she has in her body - she can’t use anymore than that. [indent][color=DC143C][b]Blood Blade ⫻[/b][/color] Saskia can form a blades with a maximum length of 30cm. While they easily cut the blind, paranormal are more protected against her blood blade, making it more like a very sharp knife. She can’t just cut an apparition's head off with it, for example. [color=DC143C][b]Blood Tentacle ⫻[/b][/color] The blood tentacle can go a maximum length of 2m, with the longer it is the less time she can keep it up. She has to be bleeding already to use it, and it takes a few minutes for all the blood to gather and form it. The blood tentacle is less precise - she can try and hit someone with it, or grab a ledge, but she can’t pick something up with it. It can be damaged just like any part of her could be. [color=DC143C][b]Blood Bullet⫻[/b][/color] The blood gun has a range of twenty metres. It can only hit one target at a time. Saskia can’t put this blood back into her body like she can the blood blade or tentacle. The further away a target is, the harder it is to be precise with it. She can only use it about four times before getting lightheaded. [color=DC143C][b]Blood Armour ⫻[/b][/color] This can block small arms and weaker paranormal attacks, however it can also be damaged. If it’s damaged properly then Saskia can’t reuse the blood. She feels any pain from getting hit like normal, it just doesn’t hurt her. She can generally only do this once before properly replenishing her blood. [color=DC143C][b]Blood Regeneration ⫻[/b][/color] Saskia can replenish about a pint of blood (plasma) per hour, and complete regenerates lost red blood cells for that pint in 24 hours. [/indent] [color=DC143C][b]THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM ⫻[/b][/color] [indent][color=DC143C][b]Bone Spikes ⫻[/b][/color] Saskia can only create two bone spikes at a time and she has to retract one before creating another. She can only create them out of her own body. They can be made up to 40cm in length, but the longer they are the thinner they’ll be. While strong enough to pierce flesh they wouldn’t be able to get through steel. They can also be destroyed or damaged, which would hurt Saskia. If they’re broken they need to be regenerated by her regeneration spell. [color=DC143C][b]Bone Lightening ⫻[/b][/color] Saskia can only lighten her bones for ten minutes at a time. [color=DC143C][b]Bone Breaking ⫻[/b][/color] Saskia can only break one bone at a time, so she has to do each one individually. [color=DC143C][b]Bone Regeneration⫻[/b][/color] It takes Saskia a minute to heal a small broken bone, three a medium sized, and five a larger bone. She can’t cast this spell along with any other spells, outside of her blood regeneration. [/indent][/indent] [color=DC143C][b]WEAKNESSES ⫻[/b] [/color] [indent][color=DC143C][b]THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM ⫻[/b][/color] The main weakness to Saskia’s abstraction is blood loss. She’s using her own blood from her body, and her blood regeneration spell doesn’t help this much. After forming her blood tentacle, which uses the most blood, she’ll feel slightly lightheaded. When using more she’ll start to get all the symptoms of anemia: tiredness, weakness, difficulty bleeding, dizziness, headaches ect. If she keeps using more blood this could lead to a heart attack, stroke, or even death (which is how she originally died). Water is another weakness - it causes the red blood cell membrane to tear, making it much less controllable. Her blood blade and tentacle are essentially an extension of her body. She feels pain if they’re hit, they can be cut off like a limb ect. If they’re cut off that blood is completely lost to her and she can’t put it back into her body. She’s also weak to fire, ice and temperature attacks, which will essentially boil or freeze her blood. Any kind of disease based abstraction will hit her harder, as she essentially has to have an open wound to use her abstraction. In general this makes her more vulnerable to any attacks, and any other wounds will lead to her bleeding out faster. [color=DC143C][b]THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM ⫻[/b][/color] Using these spells [i]hurts[/i]. Her bone spears have to literally tear through her skin which isn’t painless. While she can clot over these wounds they’re still there and incredibly painful. Any damage to these spears hurts her just as if her normal bones had been broken. Her bone lightening makes her bones much more fragile. They break easily and while she can regenerate them, it’s painful. Her bone breaking spell has an obvious weakness - she’s literally breaking her bones and feels all the pain of that. Plus it leaves her vulnerable because, well, she has broken bones. Her bone regeneration spell is even more painful - she feels double the pain she did when the bone was broken. It also leaves her vulnerable as she can’t use any other spells along with it. [/indent][/indent] [/INDENT] [sup][color=DC143C][b] Other[/b][/color][/sup] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"I like the name Agents of Death. Suitably dark, I think."[/i] [indent]Saskia’s fluent in dutch. Also she'd write song lyrics about Ella, and other people she had crushes on, that included... certain details. She destroyed any evidence after. She also loves sketching little gorey scenes. [hider=Other Theme]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCInceGHLGM[/hider] [/indent] [/hider]