[quote=@Raineh Daze] [h2]Cazt Gardens[/h2] "Perhaps they did not know the exact limits of their gift. Or perhaps this is simply more amusing to them," Erich ventured--obviously, whilst he might be able to discern the origins of this particular magic... it was hardly like he knew Fiadh, although the [i]overall[/i] logic of the fey was quite consistent. The trek took them out of the gardens and back up to the very same building that Fionn had previously visited... and he seemed overall less concerned about the courtyard [i]here[/i] being damaged or magicked in some way. The same butler had been sent away to gather wood, flowers--anything that seemed marginally relevant to Fionn's experimentation. [/quote] [center][color=#008b8b][h2]Fionn MacKerracher[/h2][/color][/center] [hr][@Raineh Daze] [hr] Over their walk back, Fionn fell silent, striving to remember each instance he'd witnessed of Fiadh's magic being used. Given that he hadn't been given any direct instruction from [i]her[/i] before Merilia decided to steal him away, and given that Fiadh's own contribution seemed to have overwritten any memory he had of what little else he'd learned, this seemed as good a method as any to try and piece through what new knowledge he [i]did[/i] have. From there he would at least know where his new skill floor was and plan out how to work from it. Better that than waste the time he might be able to work with Erich on simple discovery of his new collection of spells. What Lilia had managed to show him so far, and what he'd seen from Tyaethe and Amy, seemed to lie in a more esoteric direction; summoning forth a sourceless light, creating a barrier to render a blade nonlethal for a time, generating illusions, things of that nature—even including Tyaethe's own manipulation of her body to take on the appearance of what she would've become as a full-grown woman. While he doubted that such effects and others were outside of the realm of fey capabilities—he was sure he'd seen some make illusions to rival Amy's own at the least—what he had most directly witnessed tended more towards the real, direct, and elemental. Something that many other mages had access to, as Lilia herself had shown multiple times, but coming from a nature spirit like Fiadh it seemed somehow more [i]primal.[/i] [color=#008b8b][i]"Aodh, aodh...[/i]how did she say it? [i]Aidu.[/i] So...no, that won't work..."[/color] Just finding random words and saying them wouldn't work, after all; a spell was inherently a [i]command,[/i] pulling from one's own energy and issued forth into the world to generate an effect. Or something of that nature...he'd barely had time to skim the book of magical theory he'd found in the library. At the same time, hoping for random bursts of inspiration as memories hit him to pass on into a spell was far from a workable solution, especially in battle. [color=#008b8b][i]"Daw...dau...[/i]no, that's not it either."[/color] He'd figured that as soon as all the materials were gathered Erich would have some sort of a method to follow, but as they waited for his manservant to assemble everything—and as Erich likely worked out what his own plan was going to be—Fionn had contented himself with his own quiet experimentation. Sword set aside, an unlit torch in hand. [color=#008b8b]"How did she light it?"[/color] Of course, the more one struggled to remember something, it often was the more it tried to slip away, though Fionn wasn't inclined to give up in frustration. [color=#008b8b][i]"Indaw...[/i]no. [i]Indetou!"[/i][/color] He felt a small jolt as the energy flowed through his hand into the torch he held, before the pitch-soaked burlap wrapped around the head suddenly came alight. And with what still [i]felt[/i] like less effort than what he'd done earlier out in the garden, despite the amount of thinking he'd had to do to find his way to this end result. One simple spell down. He twisted, lit torch still in hand, turning his head back to where Erich was standing. [color=#008b8b]"Not waiting on me, I hope?"[/color]