The figure waited silently for Benjamin to come back out of the building and onto the street for his run, hidden in shadows with their grey eyes narrowing slowly as they watched him exit and start his jog. [i]Running prey.[/i] The thought made their toothy mouth twist into a smile before they lowered themselves and scuttered quickly through the shadows towards Benjamin. They kept close to Benjamin but always out of grasping reach, there were too many people around at the moment to notice someone just [i]disappearing[/i] into the shadows and Benjamin might scream; and the figure wasn't sure if they could cover his mouth quickly enough not to stop him. And they'd [i]hate[/i] to gain the attention of that [b]fucking[/b] Alien, no one else controlled the shadows before she appeared, and now her line of work was in danger. She sneered at the thought and headed forward towards Benjamin.