[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/lr2aPKL.jpeg[/img][h1]The PRA.[/h1][/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] Sloane ([@Atrophy]), & Anya ([@FernStone]).[/right][right][b][code]The Halloween Festival. The Beach Bar. Cracker Island.[/code][/b][/right][hr][hr] [quote=Stormy][color=00ff98]”Hopefully, we won’t be running into each other too much in the near future. But still, I appreciate being able to talk without violence. Thank you for that.” [/color][/quote] "Wait, hold-" Cindy reached out to Stormy as the group left—after some chattering and some mysterious stranger showing up. As they left, Fiona waved Jasper off. However, Cindy couldn't help but shrug as they went, then muttered, "Damn?" Meifeng deviously grinned as she leaned in and whispered into her ear, "What? Were you trying to get some white boy tonight?" Then laughed. Cindy rolled her eyes and said out loud, "No... well, not this time. I was trying to give him my number so he could call us if another disaster like last week happened." Meifeng shrugged. "We're going to run into them again," Meifeng began. "That is preordained at this point." "True," Cindy said before she smiled. "But enough about [i]those[/i] weirdos. Let's turn up." "I thought you'd never ask..." Meifeng smiled as she raised a finger to get the bartender's attention. "Heeeeeeeey... Could we get another Pineapple margarita, please?" "We should have gotten Storm-man to buy us another one before he left," Cindy said, "But nooooo... you had to be all 'I cannot in good conscience.'" "I probably make four times as much as him," Meifeng laughed. "I just [i]couldn't[/i]. Felt like he was trying to show off anyway." "To whom, though?" Cindy asked. "You know how some men be, anything with a vagina, probably." She shrugged. [quote=Bianca][color=fa912b]”Hey, Trevor! Isn’t that the girl you went on a date with last week? You should go talk to her!”[/color][/quote] Everyone looked at Bianca. Then everyone looked at Sloane with Anya. "... Speaking of anything with a vagina," Meifeng muttered as she facepalmed. "Oooooooh!" Trevor excitedly said as he waved at Anya. "Hey! Hi! How are you doing?! Remember me...?!" He got off the stool and dramatically removed his helmet, holding it underneath his arm as he twined his hair. He smiled at her and said in his most obnoxious, flirty voice, "Funny how we keep runnin' into each other. It's like fate." He wagged his eyebrows. "If I knew you were comin', I'd dress up as a knight... Because I'm [i]your[/i] knight in shining armor." He purred. "T-Trevor... I..." Cindy's mouth was agape, and she was shaking as she attempted to muster out the words. She almost fell out of her chair. "That boy ain't right..." Samson shook his head. "... I'm so sorry," Meifeng began, shaking her head. "I mean... Yes, I was the one responsible for it. But I took a good look at your friend there, and I just thought to myself..." Her eyes widened as she held the straw in her hand. "... 'She is going to annoy the hell out of me,' so I just thought I'd give you to someone even more annoying - and I don't mean "give you" as I was trying to play matchmaker. I meant it as..." She paused, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Know what? Forget I said anything..."