[Center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3C8tqyS.png[/img][hr][hr][b][colour=71100f]Event:[/colour][/b] Act Six: Missions [b]|[/b] [b][colour=71100f]Location:[/colour][/b] Ersand'Enise[hr][hr][/center][center][url=https://youtu.be/oqc8Siq5vPI?si=7vSQephlXJtYL345][h3]♫[/h3][/url][/center] Ayla had advanced to the next round of the Tan-Zeno process, but the victory felt somewhat hollow. Tannifer had hit a few nerves, and she was eager to prove her worth. The task related to the sinking of a Revidian ship seemed to be just the right fit. Cross-factional troubles requiring a touch of diplomacy? Check. A rampaging animal requiring a gentle touch to subdue? Check. This had all the hallmarks of another Ayla success she loves to do, or more accurately our success. With the others who had signed up, there was Leon, the great performer; Ciro, the [i]friendly[/i] merchant; Trypano, the brain in a jar; and Roslyn, who when it comes to anything bad, she wouldn’t do that. This could be a potential recipe for something beautiful. [hr] Taleja walked, the heels of her boots clicking on the floor as she dressed down into a far more functional outfit for the trip and grabbed a travel bag filled with prepared supplies. As she took note of the task at hand, learning what she needed. It seemed to be simple enough to formulate a solution if you removed any unnecessary variables. However, from one glance of her green eyes at her travel companions, it was clear that unnecessary variables would occupy most of this trip. Though positively with the beast master, Zarina, on their side, dealing with the creature would essentially resolve itself in her care. An obvious delegation. As for Rikard, she knew he was a simple boy when it came to these things, an effective hammer for any nails as long as he [i]kept his eyes[/i] on the task. The group's biggest problem was the Perrench, who would undoubtedly use every opportunity to make the situation political and all about themselves. They were unreliable and foolhardy, each of those present already having a reputation for it. It was awkward enough that she had already felt their eyes on her and heard the mutterings under their breath at her presence. Two out of five; she had worked with better odds than these before. [hr] Ashon looked toward the flyer as he scratched his head. It seemed there were those from his homeland with more bennies than sense. Apparently, this situation would be of great import to the academy, and Penny took an interest. It made sense for him to watch out for his fellow Yasoi, as this is an opportunity to create new beginnings and take root in Ersand'Enise. It also brightened his mood to see Seviin here, wanting to help out. Despite her background and odd character, but he couldn't exactly dislike her attempts. Besides, he couldn't leave her unescorted, as he doubted her goodwill would be appropriately returned with ruffians around. He would have thought Esmii would have attended as well, but she seemed to be nowhere to be found. What surprised him more were the other characters involved. Why were they so interested in the affairs of the Yasoi? Or were trinkets and baubles dangled in front of them motivating them so much? Even more surprising was the likes of Dorothea and her known dislike of his people. At least Xiuyang made sense; she had always been a Suunei, though her temperament had changed a little since their visit to Yarsoc, and her fascination with her 'saviour' was a cause for concern. Another surprise was Oksana, who seemed to be hanging around the academy more, even when her people had returned home from the trials. Regardless of their intentions, he will aim to preserve his people. [hr] Oksana watched as the man disappeared. It didn’t make sense for her to try to lean in, as she was still working on her letters. The others provided useful information for the task at hand. It seemed a refugee, someone like her but a Yasoi, was engaged in charity work, but some troublemakers had kidnapped the do-gooder. The fact that she was here without any real source of income and being rewarded for her good deeds made it simple enough for Oksana to sign-up. Knock a few heads together, perhaps make these bandits lose a few teeth, and they would certainly think twice about attacking any innocents in the future. She smiled warmly towards the rest, as she cracked her knuckles, not that she heard it of course, [colour=dcf3ff]“Save do-gooder.”[/colour] [hr] Maura hummed as she was asked to intervene in settling the dispute in Kiluaho. Her background would lend her some authority in that area, as a judge of all things mercantile. Most importantly, she would be going on the mission with Kaureerah again! She would have loved Penny to join as well, but she was absent in the morning. There was also Tku, who kindly lent her his tusker kites; they would likely prove invaluable for this mission. Marz would certainly have the know-how to work with the various materials they come across and could jerry-rig solutions to problems. Then there were those she didn’t know much about. Mahal, from Palapar, could be useful in negotiations or as an interpreter. And there was knock-off Ayla, Raffie; Maura didn’t know much about her other than the fact that she loved her cats. As for the others, she was less sure about them and their motives. Zast was certainly an unsavoury character, a charlatan. Fiske, once an innocent boy, was becoming more wayward every time she saw him. Ren looked like a Virangish Evander, with the snotty personality to match. In preparation, she enlisted helpers and puppets, probably, to begin dismantling the Schwarze Alice into transportable pieces for the portal trip. After all, for the pirates and salvagers of Kiluaho, nobody expects the Torragonese Submersible! Our chief weapons are surprise, fear, ruthless efficiency, and an almost fanatical dedication to the pentad. [hr][hr]