[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/lc6F6Jv.png[/img][/center] Ralph was here? Wait, did that mean..? The Italian boy took a step back at the sight of the ghoul hound. Falling silent, Enzo seemed to almost fade away as the others talked. He noticed Elizabeth had moved close to him, though he was concerned for the fact that she seemed the most eager for a fight. Ian was cool and composed, but if things turned ugly that may not be likely to remain true. Ian was proposing going in. The boy swallowed nervously, still not certain just why he was here. He wasn't a field guy. Hell, he'd never even been a field ghoul. He was Giovanni, not Puttanesca or Millner. He'd spent his entire unlife in an office, with stacks of ledgers and a calculator. When being ghouled had resulted in Enzo developing Potence, he'd only ever used it to move boxes of tax returns that weighed more than he did. [color=#6fa8dc]"I'm not sure I'm the guy you want for this,"[/color] Enzo remarked quietly, when Ralph proposed Enzo go in with Elizabeth. Judging by the grip on that two-by-four, she definitely wanted to go in swinging. Enzo wasn't sure he wanted to be standing next to her when she started. For that matter, he wasn't sure it was all that safe for Ralph or Ian to be in front of her when she started swinging either.