[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/m2b53xXY/Leon.webp[/img] [h1][color=fff200]Revidian Summons[/color][/h1] [hr][b]Event:[/b] Act Six Missions [hr][/center][center][h3][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wk7xOKXw5wA&ab_channel=BorislavSlavov]♫ Onward and Upward[/url][/h3][/center] Leon was out in the mercantile district having an outfit tailored. He had been awfully busy as of late. The trials and revolution had raised his profile even higher in Ersand’Enise; it seemed there was never the time in the day to deal with it all. It was a welcome return to form that the performer hadn’t experienced since he had left the city of mages. Places to be, people to see, Leon lived for it. Even the Yasoi refugee crisis had seen the performer in higher demand. After all, who would perform at the charity galas? He loved those things, even enough to get entirely new outfits tailored for them. You always needed to look your best to play the game of charitable nobles right. A level of cunning was employed when dealing with the rich and charitable. Sure, you [i]could[/i] get up on stage and preach the virtues of helping the downtrodden and sick. That would get a few extra pennies in the bucket. But whisper in a noble’s ear that Signore Annusatore di Culo just donated twice what they did, and they will bend over backwards to prove themselves more virtuous. Leon couldn’t sell the idea of helping the refugees because most truthfully didn’t care. But they do like the idea that ‘Saviour of the Yasoi’ would be inscribed on their tombs if they gave the most. The game was to have them leave the event having given far more than they intended; it was incredibly fun and he was good at it too. Everything was going right for Leon Solaire. Almost. Lately he had noticed a nagging feeling that something was missing. It was easy enough to hide those thoughts behind conversation and crowds. But in the quieter moments, like getting measured up for a new costume, it bugged him. It would surely go away if he kept focusing on the path ahead, right? It brought him untold happiness before; he just needed to remember that and carry on. [color=deb887]“Leon Solaire! Leon Solaaaiiiree!”[/color] A voice came from the entrance of the store, followed by the sounds of someone hurriedly approaching the performer. Hearing the voice, Leon’s face lit up with a smile as he turned toward the entrance. Only to be disappointed at seeing a human girl. He felt silly for giving that much of a reaction, her Revidian accent wasn’t even close to who he thought it was. He focused on maintaining the smile as she reached him. Leon recognized her face. During the revolution, she was one of the Revidian students he convinced to join the fight and she told him her name after the fact. It was Arianna… Or Aria. It was one of those two at least. Ariadne? No, definitely not that. He raised his arms almost without prompt as the tailor went to measure his upper chest. [color=fff200]“Ari, it's good to see you again. Even if you did get me at an awkward moment. I… don’t mean to be rude, but I hope it's important.”[/color] The girl didn’t seem to mind the improvised nickname given to her. “Oh, it is, Leon. Have a look.” Ari hurriedly placed a notice in Leon’s hand to which the performer quickly looked it over. It contained the details of a colossal, raging, white thresher. One that had claimed many lives out at sea and one that would likely continue until stopped. [color=fff200]“... you weren’t kidding,”[/color] Leon said. [color=fff200]“I’m glad you let me know. We ought to get ourselves signed up then.”[/color] There was a look of embarrassment on Ari’s face that told Leon she wasn’t going. It was clear she had given him the notice expecting him to do that service in her place. After all, it was a dangerous mission, it's not as though just any student could sign up for it. It was a matter of who was brave enough to accept, and he wasn't about to disappoint. [color=fff200]“Or… I’ll make sure to remember who told me about the mission when we come back successful. It wouldn't be a party without them.”[/color] Leon continued, trying to cheer her up. “I’m sure you’ll do Revidia proud,” Ari remarked with enthusiasm. Leon tried not to wince at the Revidia comment and he let out a nervous chuckle. [color=fff200]“Yeah, something like that,”[/color] he responded, trying to tone down the nationalist tone as much as possible; he didn't like it, and his tailor was Belzaggic. [hr] Leon was looking forward to a few months of diplomacy and performance in peace. But the Sun King was to be more than just a pretty face and that required accolades. At least it helped him to know that he was doing the right thing. The beast needed to be stopped one way or another before it could take more lives. If they could all work together, it surely wouldn’t be difficult… [hr] [center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/7b87MWM6/Zast.png[/img] [h1][color=78d15a]Coze-Zast[/color][/h1] [hr][b]Event:[/b] Act Six Missions[hr][center][h3][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grd-K33tOSM&ab_channel=Leonz]♫ A Cunning Disguise[/url][/h3][/center] Maura - expendable Tku - expendable Mahal - expendable[/center] Cawiuo-Zast looked up to listen to the conversation. That idiot Silvestri couldn’t even recognise him in his devious disguise as Coze-Zast. The fool, the fool of fools, he didn’t catch his blunders and now the Cazenax was already in phase two of plotting the High Zeno’s downfall. It was additionally fortunate that the job also paid well. He returned to assessing his team. [centre]Mahal - expendable Marz - expendable Kaureerah - gets one free pass, then expendable Ren - Zast could see that the Viraangish man had his cousin on a leash. One of those two isn't making it back from the mission Raffie - has potential Fiske - has potential[/centre] [hr]