Banshees Bugbear Centaur Dryads Dullahan Fae Faun Ghoul Gnomes Goblins Grindylow Hags Hobgoblins Imps Kelpie Leprechauns Nuckelavee Nymphs Ogre Pixies Redcaps Satyr Selkie Siren Spriggan Sprites Sylph Tooth fairy Troll Wight Will-o-the-Wisp [b]Irish:[/b] Tuatha Dé Danann [b]Scottish:[/b] Seelie Court, Unseelie Court [b]Charms/Wards:[/b] Rowan Trees, Rowan Tree & Herb talismans/amulets, bells, gifts of bread, four-leaf clovers, inside-out clothes, cold iron, shunning Fairy places, avoiding offense or invasions of privacy, knowing names, fairy ointment [b]Traits:[/b] Cannot lie; must accept gifts, but are obligated to repay in kind; equal exchange in all barters; bind others, and bound themselves, by their words and the terms of their agreements (geas)