[h2]Once Again Silenna's Place[/h2] One moment, outside, the next--dropped upside down in the workshop, the witch's lack of height quite apparent now that she wasn't high in the air. Even the alchemist seemed somewhat stumped by the thud, looking up from... okay, she [i]wasn't[/i] working, this appeared to be her dinner. "Yes, I brought him from the outside world. I trust this counts as proof?" After the nod, she continued. "Excellent. But remember, there are still [i]some[/i] secrets in this place that shouldn't get out, and if he learns them..." For a moment, there [i]was[/i] all the magical weight and presence that could be expected of a Witch, a feeling that the world was fraying around them-- "Well, he'll just have to stay here with you until the rest of the world catches up. Can't say how long that will be~" With that, she was gone again, leaving Silenna blinking at her temporary apprentice. "You want some soup?"