[hider=Sara Delgado][center][h2][color=1B9BD6][img]https://i.imgur.com/43Y2KW2.png[/img][/color][/h2] [sub][i] Sara Delgado[/I][/sub] [img]https://i.imgur.com/61krWC4.png[/img] [sup][h3]18 • Female • Bisexual? • She/Her • Never Been Kissed, let alone on a date[/h3] (FC: Roxanne Perez; Dialogue: [color=1B9BD6][b]1B9BD6[/b][/color]) [/sup] [/center] [center]▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃[/center] [center][h3]Intro[/h3][/center] [indent][sub][h3][color=1B9BD6]►[/color] reputation[/h3][/sub] [indent]To even have a reputation at BHHS would require more than the janitor knowing your name. Sara Delgado might as well be a ghost. A non-entity. Sure, she sets the grading curve in her classes, but if you ask any of her classmates to point her out they would collectively ask who the hell Sara Delgado even is. Though she has been tutoring since sophomore year, the students she tutors have never so much as thanked her or acknowledged her role in helping them pass tests. But it's fine. She doesn't do it for the thanks. Her family isn't notable, other than her cousins and uncle being in jail and her father currently working in Mexico while her mother works at a hotel. She doesn't come from means, but her abuelita invited her and her mother to live with her as she lived off the residuals from her time as a baker on Mexican broadcasting. But of course, no one really knows that about Sara or her family because no one knows Sara. She eats her lunch in the janitor's closet because the bathroom would make her lose her appetite. [/indent] [sub][h3][color=1B9BD6]►[/color] current dilemma[/h3][/sub] [indent]Sara's big struggle was ended when she got her acceptance letter to college, Pomona College, which was a milestone as no one in her family had gone to college, let alone one of the top ranked undergrad schools in the country. So her current dilemma is...how is she going to be remembered? People say high school is the best four years of ones life but she hasn't had anything memorable. No friends, no dates, never been to a dance, a sporting event, a party, nothing. Can she make up for lost time in a single school year? Time will tell, but time is rapidly running out. If she's going to be remembered, she has to find a way to ensure that no one ever forgets Sara Delgado.[/indent][/indent] [center]▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃[/center] [center][h3]Details[/h3][/center] [indent][sub][h3][color=1B9BD6]►[/color] social media handles[/h3][/sub] [indent]Sara has two social media accounts. Her Twitter account, which has 50 followers - all of which are bots - is @DelgadoLegado. She sometimes responds to the bots who respond to her tweets because no one else does. She has an Instagram but it's mostly pictures of her abuelita's baked goods. That account is @SaraDelicious[/indent] [sub][h3][color=1B9BD6]►[/color] style [/h3][/sub] [indent]Sara's style is...muted. She doesn't wear designer clothes and most of what she does wear are hand me downs from her cousins. She wears a lot of what could be described as...clothing. Flannel jacket, nondescript blouses or long t-shirts on laundry day, dress skirts. Some days she'll wear jeans but she's noticed that her clothes are starting to be a lot tighter on her, which is only compounding her massive amount of insecurities and anxieties. She's in need of a makeover, but she'd need to know where to even start. [/indent] [sub][h3][color=1B9BD6]►[/color] ride & everyday items[/h3][/sub] [indent]She takes public transportation and her own feet to get to school. Sara is never without her yellow backpack which is adorned with pins and buttons of adorable, cute, cheesy food related puns, like [url=https://i.imgur.com/sLHMlem.png]"Let's Avo-cuddle"[/url] or [url=https://i.imgur.com/jwnYR9N.png]"That's my jam!"[/url] She has dozens of these. [i]Dozens[/i]. And she might be changing them out weekly, no one really knows.[/indent] [sub][h3][color=1B9BD6]►[/color] occupation[/h3][/sub] [indent]Worked at the library over summer. It was a good job. [/indent] [sub][h3][color=1B9BD6]►[/color] extracurricular activities[/h3][/sub] [indent]She tutors at the school library during free periods and after school. Never been thanked but has helped many students pass tests, including athletes who needed a certain GPA to even be eligible.[/indent][/indent] [center]▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃[/center] [center][h3]Questionnaire[/h3][/center] [indent][sub][h3]Friends would describe me as _______.[/h3][/sub] [indent][color=1B9BD6]"I...don't have friends. Unless you count the janitor who lets me eat lunch in his closet. I think he'd describe me as...that girl. Yeah...yeah that's about right. Uhm...next question?"[/color][/indent] [sub][h3]In my free time I like to _______.[/h3][/sub] [indent][color=1B9BD6]"Study. Read. Help my abuelita make cakes and cookies and pies. Mostly study. Did you know a group of parrots is called a pandemonium? I'm full of little tidbits and knowledge facts like that but most people..uhm...don't find it as...uh...interesting as I do...uhm....n...next question."[/color][/indent] [sub][h3]I would like to learn _______ in the next year.[/h3][/sub] [indent][color=1B9BD6]"How to make a friend. Oh sorry, does this have Kleenex? Did you know Kleenex came from products used in gas mask filters in World War 1 which were then repurposed to Kotex feminine sanitary pads? But consumers were modest so didn't like to buy what were effectively tampons so they were again repurposed into make up removal face cloths and the rest is history? Sorry...I'm good now."[/color][/indent] [sub][h3]This is how I define success and failure:[/h3][/sub] [indent][color=1B9BD6]"The only measure of success and failure I know is what grade I get on tests. Getting good grades and into a good school is the only way I'll be able to not end up like most of my family. But it's not their fault. They're not bad people, they just...immigration is a complicated issue in this country."[/color][/indent] [sub][h3]I'm inspired by _______.[/h3][/sub] [indent][color=1B9BD6]"Ellen Ochoa, the first Hispanic woman to go to space and first Hispanic director of Johnson Space Center. I don't want to be an astronaut but it's still inspiring that someone like her can open doors for the next Hispanic woman who DOES want to go to space. I hope one day someone is inspired by me...even if they'll just be inspired to not do what I do..."[/color][/indent] [sub][h3]These songs are the soundtrack to my life:[/h3][/sub] [indent][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhQzWbyw0VI]"Jay Electronica's verse on Control is poetic."[/url] [url=https://youtu.be/_NfnXdXpjL0?si=ce_HZ0gp9bJqP9iB]"Never Meant by American Football. When I was first told about math rock I thought it was music about math. It kinda is. But it kinda isn't. But this is the first song on my study playlist and it's why I enjoy songs with unique time signatures."[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qr9lqCitYwg]"Spring Rain by Elephant Gym. I said I liked songs with unique time signatures and I do. It's not all I like, but songs like this help me focus. Like...to get in the zone, you know?"[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkLBSLxo5LE]"Caravan by Duke Ellington. I could put a lot of jazz here, but I'll always go back to this recording."[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hnlgF3zpb8]"La célula que explota by Caifanes. My uncle, before going away, made sure he let me know that it wasn't just the Americans and the British that could make rock music. This was one of his favorite songs. I can see why."[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98Akpf1ph2o]"Eres by Café Tacvba. Simplemente una canción perfecta."[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKYWWfR_GKA]"Face to Face by Daft Punk. The sheer number of samples used to make this song is staggering. And I think that's amazing, that people so talented could take things from other songs and make this incredible production."[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlynqOgBAUw]"Alphabet Aerobics by Blackalicious. I once tried to test myself to learn the whole song. I got to the Rs."[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjK5BATARUo]"Trains by Porcupine Tree. I don't have much to say, but this song makes me feel like I'm having memories of a life I never lived. One where I had summers with friends."[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryh9rkIRGUs]"Do It, Try It by M83. I'm kinda thinking of adopting the title of this song as my mantra going forward. It couldn't hurt, right?"[/url][/indent] [sub][h3]My fondest memory as a child was _______.[/h3][/sub] [indent][color=1B9BD6]"Baking cookies with my abuelita for a family wedding. She booped my nose with powedered sugar and didn't tell me so when I went to play with the other kids at the wedding they laughed at my nose, it was so funny! I still have the picture from the wedding and you can see my sugar nose! I think that's why I love sweets so much."[/color][/indent] [sub][h3]If I could tell my younger self something, I would say:[/h3][/sub] [indent][color=1B9BD6]"Life is what you bake it!"[/color][/indent] [sub][h3]The things that make me smile are _______.[/h3][/sub] [indent][color=1B9BD6]"My abuelita and her sweets. Getting an A on a test. Pop quizzes. Oatmeal creme pies. Food puns. Myself, because no one else will."[/color][/indent] [sub][h3]My whole life story in one sentence:[/h3][/sub] [indent][color=1B9BD6]"Once upon a time there was a girl named Sara Delgado who tried her very best but all she had to show for it was a life of smiling to hide the loneliness and regret."[/color][/indent] [/indent] [center]▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃[/center] [indent][sub][h3][color=1B9BD6]►[/color] extra information[/h3][/sub] [indent]Her abuelita (FC: Fernanda Montenegro) is her favorite person on the planet. A lover of baked goods and an old, retired starlet, Sara's abuelita supports Sara in everything and provides many, many sweet snacks and treats that explains why Sara might one day be compared to a bowl of oatmeal. Speaks Spanish. Also English.[/indent] [/indent][/hider]