[center][h2]Tachibana Masaru[/h2][h3]Nagano Prefecture — Abandoned Mansion[/h3][/center] As the larger creature stumbled and it's charge slowed, Masaru wasted no time in loosing one last shot aimed up through the bottom of it's head before attempting to retreat. While he had been expecting an immediate response from the thing after firing at it, the monster being forced to refocus meant that the young man had ample opportunity to draw back and pull the fight away from their healer. Unfortunately, though, Masaru had failed to account for the possibility of the enemy simply siccing [i]another[/i] enemy his way. A massive komainu-esque monster had popped out of the shadows, and when the young man glanced over at it for a brief second out of instinct, it was almost as if he could [i]head[/i] an alert sound pop into his head. It didn't take a genius to figure out that it wanted his head, and [i]that[/i] meant that a continued offense was absolutely not the correct choice of action. Rather than trying to dance around the enemy he had been trying to kill until now (as he was unsure how likely that his arrow would even lead to a lethal blow to begin with), Masaru hopped backwards and turned his attention towards the komainu rushing him down before firing a few arrows towards the only obvious soft spots on it's body—namely, the eyes and mouth—before readying an arrow and aiming straight at the beast's head. There, a small spiral of water had begun to form upon the arrowhead thereupon, and before long that spiral had begun to move so quickly that the motion of the water could scarcely be perceived. Wordlessly, the Agent let that arrow fly head-on towards the monster's head. If it came down to it, he would have to abandon any notion of trying to counterattack and focus solely on evasion, but he had to make use of what time he had now to do as much as he could. Wasting time occupying the enemy only mattered so much as he was alive and the others were getting things done, after all.