My name is Jessica. You can call me Jess or Jessie or whatever you want. I'm pretty relaxed. I am nineteen years old, and I live in the EST timezone. I'm mostly online afternoons on weekdays and all day during weekends. I can be weird and awkward sometimes(all the time). If I ever offend you, I'm not trying to. Don't think anything of it. I offend myself on a daily basis, so yeah. Most of these are just basics, but you'd be surprised if you knew how many people I've roleplayed with that broke every single one of these. [*] No god-moding. If for whatever reason our roleplay requires it, it must be discussed beforehand. [/*] [*] Perfect characters just don't fly with me. No one's perfect. [/*] [*] I don't care if you spell something wrong or forget a comma occasionally, but frequent mistakes will bother me. Spellcheck is there for a reason and a little proofreading won't hurt anybody. [/*] [*] No one-liners. Anything more than a line is fine with me. I normally keep to about two or three paragraphs. [/*] [*] I'm not going to demand a reply every day or even every other day. Whenever you can send me one is alright. I have no life, so I respond rather quickly most of the time. If for some reason I haven't sent a reply in a day or two, please don't keep asking me why I haven't replied. Give me one reminder and if I still don't respond for a few days after that, tell me to hurry up. [/*] What I RP: One Direction Bandmate x Bandmate Actor x Actor Actor x Actress Actress x Actress Celebrity x Normal person Open x Closeted Roommates Teacher x Student Step-siblings Long distance relationship Older man x Blind girl Vampire x Human Kidnapper x Kidnapped Ghost seer x Ghost Arranged marriage Boarding school Highschool Pen-pals Plane crash Road trip Runaways Summer camp Abusive relationship Spouse x Spouse with amnesia Terminal illness Gifted Apocalyptic/Post-apocalyptic War Zombies If interested, PM me or post here.