Nerissa watched the unfolding chaos with a twisted grin of sadistic delight, her dark eyes twinkled with a malicious glee that sent shivers down the spines of those around her. As Percy attempted to defuse the situation, her voice became almost hissing as she held her wand raised at the four figures. [color=#e25041]"What are you doing? Kill them!"[/color] she screeched, her words dripping with venom as she gestured emphatically with her wand, her gaze locked onto Percy with an intensity that brooked no argument as multicoloured sparks exploded in the hallway. The two remaining, that Percy hadn't taken on, became more than busy with the dark witch, as she kept them from helping their comrades in battle. With a frighteningly fast reaction, she flicked her wand with absolute precision, unleashing a barrage of hexes and charms, her movements fluid and precise as she danced amidst the chaos with a manic energy that was both exhilarating and terrifying to behold. Each spell was imbued with a dark laughing crackle, a testament to the sadistic joy she took in the heat of battle. Nerissa's movement was so incredibly fluid, like water but with an intensity like fire. Her long, jet-black hair whipped around her as she twisted and turned, her form a blur of dark magic and lethal precision. It was as if she were a force of nature unleashed upon the unsuspecting foes, her primal instincts driving her forward with an unstoppable ferocity. With each spell she cast, the air crackled with dark energy, the very atmosphere around her pulsating with her malevolent power. It was a sight to behold, a dark symphony of chaos and destruction orchestrated by the hand of a masterful witch who revelled in the chaos that had unfolded before her. And as Percy's desperate plea echoed in her ears, urging her to hold the line against their relentless adversaries, Nerissa's lips curled into a savage grin, her eyes blazing with a whirlwind of a void that would swallow up the light. With a flick of her wand, she disarmed one of the two she fought and was about to turn her attention to the second, but as Percy crashed into a small trophy cabinet, on the other side of the hallway, Nerissa's focus briefly shifted to the Frenchmen. Their Unbreakable Vow made his survival, her survival as much as she hated that. Seeing Percy thrown harshly into the cabinet, was enough to briefly distract the dark witch. Enough so, that the second opponent took a chance and went for the door to Topsy only to witness a green flash illuminating the entire hallway and Nerissa's face. [color=#e25041][i]"AVADA KEDAVRA!"[/i][/color] Slamming into the door with his shoulder, the killing curse struck true as the now limbless body crashed into the room where Topsy was. The door's hinges had buckled from the weight and partially came loose while the body of a dead man slammed like a ragdoll on the floor. In a snarl, the one that had been disarmed held his wand again and returned his own killing curse at the dark witch in a fit of rage. [color=red]"You will pay for that!"[/color] he screamed, only to watch Nerissa with a lightning-fast reaction pull a crescent hallway table between her and the killing curse, shattering the table. The only thing he heard was the high-pitched crackling laughter from the dark-haired woman. Nerissa's grin twisted into a sneer, her dark eyes flashing with manic hatred as her last opponent dared to use the killing curse on her, his Better in every way of the sense. [color=#e25041]"Tell me where my brother is!"[/color] she spat, venom dripping from each syllable like acid. [color=#e25041]"My brother wouldn't waste his time with mere pawns for this. Where did you meet him?"[/color] Her voice crackled with an unsettling blend of hatred and twisted pride, a testament to the complex web of emotions that bound her to her treacherous sibling. [color=#e25041]"How pathetic, did my dear brother really think you were enough to kill me. ME?!"[/color] she continued, her tone laced with bitter resentment. [color=#e25041]"Let me guess, you were happy to spill your blood if it meant earning his favour."[/color] With a flick of her wand, she unleashed another curse at the downed but still moving man. Her movements were fueled by a potent mixture of fury and determination. [color=#e25041]"But he underestimates me,"[/color] she hissed. [color=#e25041]"I may be trapped in this wretched bond, but I will not be defeated so easily. Not by him. And not by his fucking lapdogs!"[/color] Nerissa's high-pitched manic voice pierced the air, her wild eyes ablaze with fury as she screeched a curse: [color=#e25041]"CRUCIO!"[/color] In the temporary respite provided by Percy's charm, the corridor echoed with the agonized cries of the helpless man, whose only recourse was to writhe in torment. Nerissa's hatred burned brighter than ever, a consuming fire that fueled her every action in pursuit of her brother. Her piercing dark eyes had turned almost black as she walked with fastened steps over to where the man was lying and kicked the man's wand away. She kneeled in a flash, grabbing the man harshly, and digging her nails into his cheeks as she dropped her curse over the man. [color=#e25041]"Does my [i]dear[/i] brother think, this was enough to kill me, HUH?!"[/color] She screeched, not even giving the man a chance to respond. [color=#e25041]"CRUCIO!"[/color] She screamed again, letting go of the man's face with her hand, just to watch the little lapdog's pained screams silence her own deafening voices clawing inside her mind. [color=#e25041][i]"WHERE IS MY BROTHER HIDING, YOU FILTH!"[/i][/color]