Lets create a post apocalyptic world. When laws and governments break down, the world will go on and a new world will rise in place of the last one. What will that be like? Lets start from a zoomed out viewpoint (what has become of previous states, cities, and countries?) then we work in the smaller details. Post a location, event, item, faction, creature, or character like this: [hider=Location] What became of the continents and countries from before? What about the cities and what has been built in their place? Ruins of old cities, "nations," gang territories, villages, and even places that resulted from the apocalyptic event(s) go here (such as seas of radiation, wastelands, old battlefields, etc.) [/hider] [hider=Event] What happened to the world? It must've been a number of things. In addition to that there are theories. What major things have happened since? Old and new wars, natural disasters, major disease outbreaks, massacres, foundings, discoveries, inventions, and other events go here. [/hider] [hider=Items] What kinds of weapons, armors, drugs, and other things were invented before the Old World collapsed? What weapons, armors, drugs, food recipes, and other things have been invented since? What things like scepters and tomes do the new religious cults place value in? This category also includes things that may have once belonged to important people. [/hider] [hider=Factions] Gangs, cults, remnants of old governments, mercenary companies, merchant companies, tribes, and bands of survivors go here. [/hider] [hider=Creatures] What mutants exist in this world? Are there robots/androids? Are there aliens planning to invade or who have invaded? Creatures specific to this world go here. [/hider] [hider=Characters] Important people such as inventors, cult leaders, gang leaders, people who may be responsible for the collapse of the Old World, and possibly even "heroes" go here. Eventually new history books will be written. Who will they write of? [/hider] Improvise and use your creativity. You must use information that has already been posted when creating a new location, events, etc. To simulate the vagueness or inaccuracies of what is posted, you may react with a Laugh or a Like. More Laughs = less true. More Likes = more true. This is for your creativity in terms of the apocalypse to run wild. Feel free to make a map or maps and post images, bonus if your draw your own. You may even create new categories, just ask (I contemplated making a Culture category.)