[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/OEh1rTU.png[/img][color=9AF781][h1]Lord Leo Smithwood[/h1] Time: Evening Location: Masquerade Ball: Damien Estate Interactions: Fritz/Riona [@JJ Doe], Nahir [@Rodiak], Mentions: Watch-thief Suspect #1 [@Potter] Daily Misfortune: An annoyingly high-pitched voice and random fits of laughter. Predictable Costume: [url=https://i.imgur.com/tLePxA5.jpg]Leo the Lion[/url][/color][/center] [hr] [color=CBCBCB]Leo couldn’t help but wonder about Nahis’s choice of friends; if the other woman even was a friend and not simply a fresh acquaintance. [color=B8FC03]“Indeed it might, but the keeper of the lost and found, I am not. Splintering one’s focus is the best way to ensure nothing gets accomplished.”[/color] He replied, it was simply not his responsibility to track down the owner of a lost object. The way the woman in orange went on about servants stirred a chuckle. [color=B8FC03]“I can assure you it is not an impossible task to cater to one’s guest while ensuring no crimes are committed during a party.”[/color] Leo didn’t find this to even be a high standard either, only a baseline expectation. [color=B8FC03]“My mother hosts many events, they tend to be a bit livelier than this, and all without a hitch. A testament to proper leadership.”[/color] Despite the turmoil in their relationship, Leo never missed an opportunity to remind people that Dutchess Smithwood excelled at her duty. [color=B8FC03]“But seeing is believing, so might I have your name so I can ensure an invite to the next gala in Stravy reaches you along with Shahzadi Nahir and her family?”[/color] He offered, before turning to Nahir. [color=B8FC03]“The views in autumn are exceptional. Expansive forests with the leaves painting a tapestry of warm colors, and the harbor is often described as breathtaking.”[/color] He talked up Stravy. Since no further information on the likely thieves was relayed to him, and the unknown woman seemed more invested in talk of footwear than thieves it was clear that this conversation was becoming nothing more than a waste of time. The woman locked arms with Nahir like she was trying to forge a strange alliance against him. Over [i]decluttering his room?[/i] He kept a tempered response in the presence of royalty. He rephrased the exaggerated tale she’d spun. [color=B8FC03]“Strange, to paint me as the villain when I simply removed the collection of gaudy footwear,”[/color] The irony of ‘gaudy’ coming from a man in a lion themed outfit, slippers and all, was lost on Leo. [color=B8FC03]“That cluttered up my room and put it outside for the responsible party to clean up. But I should get back to my devious plan of finding my stolen watch. I wish you and Shahzadi Nahir a wonderful evening.”[/color] He offered a respectful bow and resumed his quest to find his watch. Leo scanned the crowd for a woman in dark blue with gloves. A lull in the music timed with the scattering of glass caught his attention. A sea of faces turned to look as a woman matching that description ran from the ball. His prime suspect on the run, so close to an escape, with his pocketwatch nowhere to be found. [color=B8FC03]“There’s been a pickpocket stealing around the ball tonight.”[/color] Leo rushed to the nearest guard. [color=B8FC03]“I bet that’s her.”[/color] He explained. And then the giggling returned. [/color]