[color=gray] [center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1217764770825113643/1224074083633860728/Ariella_1.png?ex=661c2ad3&is=6609b5d3&hm=d883041905c7e55d8e8a0bc7ab4c251cf5f21100bc8b487c1263afec7f0f7148&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=450&height=676[/img][/center] [color=FireBrick][b]Location:[/b] [/color] Damien Estate [color=FireBrick][b]Time:[/b] [/color] Night [color=FireBrick][b]Mentions:[/b] [/color] none [hider]https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/shopping?q=tbn:ANd9GcShgeI70tb1R2DR2zyrSZpJUSCA1qyRj8X0wz4XVvSTmKowvv9mXPwXlIpoK4jGgA-gEHYBRLF4QgGKBcVE2MeX2ZI2cq3qy1wM3aSg46l-[/hider] The carriage circled the estate for what felt like hours. Its slow pace moved like molasses as Violet peered out the window at a place she once called home. Her red eyes sought through the crowds of people that littered the entrance all laughing, smiling and likely talking about things she could care less about. Leaning back against the rest of the carriage as it vibrated gently from cobblestone underneath, she rested her head against the back letting out a long and drawn-out sigh. She wanted to brave the party, to walk in there with her chin high for everyone to see just how strong she was. And she certainly felt strong… Her vision had nearly returned to its full strength if not better. Somehow Violet was able to see such vivid colors and the blackest of blacks. The world somehow looked so beautiful now yet she couldn’t help but still hate it. Flashes of blood flitered her mind, like flashes from a camera. Constantly reminding her of what she had done, constantly reminding her who she had killed. She didn’t even remember his name… But she remembered his. [i]Alexander…[/i] As her mind began to settle on everything she felt … confused. She wanted to hate him, and she wanted to thank him but she was afraid of him. What was to become of her? Could she live a life of taking others, could she maybe come out of this? The clacking of the hooves continued to stomp on the cobblestone when it suddenly stopped. Peeking from behind the drapes of the carriage, Violet was met with beautiful hedges, trimmed into the cleanest shapes. They moved around as if creating a fence behind the gardens that decorated the back of the estate. Violet's red eyes shifted from side to side unseeing of anyone near when she decided to finally step out. Moving out into the cool night air, Violet's semi-sheer vibrant red, figure-hugging gown sparkled with the moon. She wore her hair down, curled in soft waves that adorned her back as her black locks framed her pale face, making her red eyes pop even more in the evening. She always enjoyed the night. She wondered if that was fates cruel way of preparing her for what was to come. Looking over her shoulder she watched the carriage take off, pausing for a moment as she realized now she was stuck. Looking back at the estate and then glancing once again over her shoulder into the dark forest behind the estate her mind began to flourish with ideas. She could run… [/color]